What the heck is happening with Act II‽ (Spoiler warning for basically the entire plotline)
" +1 You saved me a lot of typing. Enjoy the GAME everyone. That is what it's here for. Enjoyment. ...narf
If you think you can't show a dark, gritty and brutal world without having us be on the side of slavers, I don't know what to tell you. You have the literary understanding of edgy teenagers, the spite of gamegaters, and the imagination of bricks.
Thanks for wasting my time reading your comments. Bite life's throat, celebrate your victories, be excellent to other people, love yourself, be an anarchist.
" You are the one who started this topic. When you start a topic, it is implied that you intend for people to respond to it and make posts that you then read. Other posters do have a responsibility to stay on topic, but not to limit themselves to making posts that you like. If you think the relies are a waste of time, the one who wasted your time was none other than yourself as apparently you sought validation of your stance. |