0.1.0c Hotfix 1
" 'A single Gemcutter's Prism also improves the Quality of a Skill Gem by +5% (previously +1%).' this doesn't work |
Just used a GCP on a skill gem - 5% quality in one click.
Thanks for killing the fun Blizzard logic take what people enjoy and remove it
can we get a fix on GCP giving 1%
not a very cash-money move on the SRS nerf jeff
So are spell loops just not a part of PoE2? Incredibly lame. Nerf the damage, don't make me push buttons.
But why?
I respecced yesterday, because I love loop/less button builds and used all my uncut gems and gold for it. |
why remove it, its not like its one-shotting bosses. Its just a fun mechanic.
You also sacrificed 2-3 minions to do this, its not like it was for free...
This is an awful change. I don't want to press 1000 keys per map for all of endgame. Player's wont be able to keep that up.