PoE 2 is boring and not fun

Poe3 will fix it

Surely, just right after D5.

Neither will fix anything, GGG mutilated this genre by being afraid of nerfing anything because "players might quit" and now there will never be a decent ARPG made again.
They're just bad vampire survivor clones, interactive casino slot machines, auto-battlers, cookie clickers.
Game seems to be a lost cause. I tried so hard to like it, but I honestly think it's the worst ARPG I've played in a decade.
PoE 1 is the best. PoE 2 is something.
Game seems to be a lost cause. I tried so hard to like it, but I honestly think it's the worst ARPG I've played in a decade.

They somehow achieved that. not easy feat with so many good references out there.

But yeah, right now, the worst ARPG on the market.

And thank god we have good meals to eat out there nowadays.

yes +1

Poe3 will fix it

Surely, just right after D5.

Neither will fix anything, GGG mutilated this genre by being afraid of nerfing anything because "players might quit" and now there will never be a decent ARPG made again.
They're just bad vampire survivor clones, interactive casino slot machines, auto-battlers, cookie clickers.

1. Basic poe2 toxic player base. You're totally not over reacting.
2. Buddy I think you're idiotic and actually don't understand much. You do not like aRPG, you like RPG. Play some MMO or co op RPG, let aRPG be, don't try to make it switch genre.

Coming in an aRPG for a good storyplot and character development is the same as going to a hooker for some cuddle or a steakhouse for their vegetables.
Poe3 will fix it

Surely, just right after D5.

Neither will fix anything, GGG mutilated this genre by being afraid of nerfing anything because "players might quit" and now there will never be a decent ARPG made again.
They're just bad vampire survivor clones, interactive casino slot machines, auto-battlers, cookie clickers.

GGG actually has a long, long history of nerfing skills and interactions. People just don't remember them because the game has been around for over a decade, and because the devs bury the nerfs in massive patch notes and design manifestos. Some examples:

- Fortification nerfed because ES/Eva builds could easily proc it by linking a movement skill (Shield Charge, Whirling Blades, etc.) to Fortify Support. Fortify then reworked to be weaker than before, making str-based builds even weaker as a result
- ED + Contagion nerfed
- Cyclone nerfed
- Starforge damage nerfed (why?)
- Dominating Blow nerfed (why?)
- Bows nerfed
- Divine Flesh nerfed to prevent players from easily capping chaos res and converting damage to chaos
- Defensive elemental conversion nerfed
- Molten Strike nerfed, reworked, nerfed again ("This is a buff."). Admittedly, MS is now quite good again.
- Multiple defenses nerfed because squishy classes got value out of them: Evasion, ES, Guard skills (in Bone Armour's case, the Guard skill was removed entirely from Necromancer with no explanation), and so on

And on and on and on. The problem isn't so much that GGG doesn't nerf things. They definitely do. The problem is that they play whack-a-mole with problem builds while never actually addressing the root of the game's problems, like out-of-control damage scaling and
I imagine a good share of the 40K additional that stopped playing the game since the same day last week are probably disappointed. They may as well have said "Do you not have credit cards Exile?" during the announcement.

or maybe they are done with the game? I have some casual friends who finish the acts and then stop, because they have no interest in endgame.
I also have some sweaty friends who cleared everything and finished their characters, not everyone want to level to 100, 97 is enough most of the time.
Current Build: Penance Brand
God build?! https://pobb.in/bO32dZtLjji5
Then don’t play it
PoE1 is there, its free, you can play it now.

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