Lost Tower Radius Not Visible in Hideout
Having same issue, in hideout only. Works fine in ziggurat encampment. +1
This is super super annoying!!!! |
Same for me, missing the Lost Tower Radius in Shrine Hideout. Tried the other hideouts aswell and its same on all. Only 1 out of 5 friends can see the radius.
I wasn't even aware that there is a tower radius for the first 10 hours of mapping... Until It did show up and then didn't the next day never trust ze germans!
I'm also not able to see my tower range. When my friend hosts I can see them on his atlas
+1 I cannot see the tower radius in my hideout, but it works in act 3 cruel map device.
It's been almost two weeks now... Can we get a fix for this?? It's really annoying not to be able to see what u're juicing and second guessing ?!?!?