POE2 Can't login to specific character

I wanna add to this thread. My Monk got disconnected when porting back to the Act 3 town (from Jungle Ruins) and now I get a disconnect on every attempt to log into that character.
Creating new characters/playing other characters still works fine.
My Witch Stuck too :(
Similarly, was in act 3 town, looking at ascendancy points, just spend my points then tried to join a friend from town and was disconnected to the login screen

12/8/2024 around 10:30 PDT
Wax 42 Gemling Legionaire
Ascendancy via Sek trial
Act 3 Base Camp teleporting to party
Kicked to login
unable to play character, creating new/playing others works fine.
same issue, was about to finnish act 3 cruel and went back into town. now i cant log in anymore
Same here.

Did Temple of Chaos, took portal, get dc'ed and now every time I try to enter I got "An unexpected disconnection ocurred". I guess I'll play others chars until they fix it.
same, please fix
got the same issue. stuck after clicking the portal in tomb of chaos to go out.

seems to be stuck in a endless loophole loading screen.

dont tell me i gotta start over again
I'm the same, help us with ggg,Otherwise, we'll have to play a new character again
Same issue on completed the trial of chaos (infernalist)
Last edited by stefano0#5189 on Dec 8, 2024, 3:12:07 PM
Well nearly the same I would say, my game crashes with the error "Butterflow"

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