POE2 Can't login to specific character

Just ascended to Gemling Legionnaire and when i tried to go to Deshar i was dcd. Now i havent been able to log into that character for about 10 hrs but can start another fine.
I'm also facing the same issue. Completed the Trial of Chaos and went back to town, but got kicked from the game.

Trying to reconnect shows "An unexpected disconnection occurred"
same, i cant play !
every time i press play it kicks me out to the login screen
My current level is 53, please help me. !!!
Found other 3 Threads with the same problem:




What i suspect, is that this error is a backend side error and not related to the client itself. Thats why, in my opinion, nothing is shown on the log file on the client side.

I have the same issue with my mercenary.

Other thing the others who have experienced the same problem, is that all of us ascended to "Gemling Legionaire" and got the +3 Skill node and put in a new skill on the Skill window.

When i try to login i receive the message "Unrecognised task serialised by server; missing registration?"

Seams to be a problem of sync from client and backend, if so, probably nothing we can do on the client side will be enough.

Last edited by luizgusmao#3074 on Dec 8, 2024, 11:44:08 AM
Same here, just finished Act 3 trial and now my character is bricked. Changes graphic settings, drivers etc., waited 1 hour restarted pc. Did evereything basically you're supposed to do. As soon as the loading screen is about to be finished, back to login screen. :( I don't wanna go through the hassle again. Took me 30 hours to get to lvl 43 already
Same issue on Infernalist. I completed the trial of chaos, ported to town, and now it crashes to the login screen every time I press play.
I've encountered the same issue when teleporting back to the caravan town in Cruel difficulty Act 2. Upon teleporting to town, I was immediately disconnected, and I've still been unable to login to only this character encountering the same error described in the thread. Other characters appear to work perfectly fine while this one continually gives the same error.

Level 53 Deadeye
"At least I'm not the only one with this problem"

But yea got myself same issue

Adding in, mine happened last night and still bricked today. Heres' all the stuff I tried.

- Up'd drivers (GFX)
- Restarting Comp
- Playing another toon for 20+ minutes
- Verifying game files (on steam)
- Trying diff Renders w/ restarts (Default Dx12, tried Vulkan, tried DX11)
- Upscale to Bilinear (default NIS)
- NVIDIA Reflex to OFF (default On)
- FROM windowed-fullscreen to Windowed, lowered res from 4k to 800x600
- Back to 4k but "Fullscreen"
- Turned off VSync and Dynamic Res
Reverted each of those after trying. None had any effect.
- Installed the Standalone launcher instead of Steam. Didn't help.

Here's the log from the game when it crashes:

2024/12/08 08:26:32 30072468 91c6da6 [INFO Client 12408] Connecting to instance server at
2024/12/08 08:26:32 30072515 91c69aa [DEBUG Client 12408] Connect time to instance server was 16ms
2024/12/08 08:26:32 30072531 91c4c6b [DEBUG Client 12408] Client-Safe Instance ID = 3946612743
2024/12/08 08:26:32 30072531 2caa1679 [DEBUG Client 12408] Generating level 45 area "G3_17" with seed 802726991
2024/12/08 08:26:32 30072578 bfabe408 [WARN Client 12408] [FMT] Zero scaled mesh vertex group in 'Art/Models/Effects/FXModels/Bones/MB/buildBiceps01.fmt'
2024/12/08 08:26:32 30072625 bfabe408 [WARN Client 12408] [FMT] Zero scaled mesh vertex group in 'Art/Models/Effects/FXModels/Bones/MB/buildClavicle01.fmt'
2024/12/08 08:26:34 30074671 f0c29e12 [INFO Client 12408] Tile hash: 1107444929
2024/12/08 08:26:34 30074671 f0c29e11 [INFO Client 12408] Doodad hash: 958494893
2024/12/08 08:26:35 30074781 4228e2c3 [DEBUG Client 12408] [ENTITY] Destroy static entities
2024/12/08 08:26:35 30075031 992412d1 [DEBUG Client 12408] [SCENE] Height Map Texture: 690 x 1230
2024/12/08 08:26:35 30075187 4228e42f [DEBUG Client 12408] [ENTITY] Finalize static entities
2024/12/08 08:26:37 30077640 d7c7387b [WARN Client 12408] Steam stat ActivateLegionMonolith has a Steam ID but has not been published to Steam
2024/12/08 08:26:37 30077640 d7c7387b [WARN Client 12408] Steam stat KillActBoss has a Steam ID but has not been published to Steam
2024/12/08 08:26:37 30077640 d7c7387b [WARN Client 12408] Steam stat CompleteYellowOrRedMap has a Steam ID but has not been published to Steam
2024/12/08 08:26:37 30077640 d7c7387b [WARN Client 12408] Steam stat KillElder has a Steam ID but has not been published to Steam
2024/12/08 08:26:39 30078828 1a61ee44 [DEBUG Client 12408] Joined guild named Super Awesome Huge Boys with 10 members
2024/12/08 08:26:39 30078875 1a61ea26 [DEBUG Client 12408] InstanceClientSetSelfPartyInvitationSecurityCode = 0
2024/12/08 08:26:39 30078890 9237e8b [INFO Client 12408] Abnormal disconnect: An unexpected disconnection occurred.

Was going to try re-installing but others tried that without success already.

Wouldn't feel as bad if the alts didn't have to do this terribly long campaign too.

Oh also I emailed support last night. Nothing back yet but I'm sure they're flooded atm.
Mobile games have better trading...
Last edited by Tonst3r#4966 on Dec 8, 2024, 11:42:18 AM

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