POE2 Can't login to specific character

Same here. Level 92 Gemling beat a map and on TP back to hideout can no longer login character but all others work.
same trouble i finish a trial of sekhema and cant login with my character
75 ranger also confirming unable to log-in. I can log in on my other character. :(
same here when i enter trial of pass map act 2..
any developer of the game oversee this?
same cant log on to main character : Johny_EaVroom

i can log on my other 2 chracter and create new one but my main wont connect, it just keep disconnecting and going back to login menu.. help plz
Same here +1
Same issue for me. Get booted out to login screen. I was trying to enter a new map. My other character is fine.
Tossisco#0533 wrote:
Same issue, I had just completed a map, tried to portal back to hideout and now the game crashes when I try to log in on that character. Other characters work just fine.

I can now log back in to my character.
same pls help
Done 1 trial on seeker for a worm up finished yes it was only 2 room 50 lvl quite easier. Then ready to try ascend lost bugged character. +1

And its it only me who got those trials on only normal difficulty lvl 22 because on cruel i all the time got mission to finf it in trail passage done it like 5 times nope but it let me do high lvl trials from that 22lvl but when i teleport between trails i cant go back by teleport i have to use waypoint.

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