Witch Minions, totally unplayable
I'd like to report back that I found something that works decent. The key is using the gas arrow explosion to do burst damage.
Unlike those making claims without evidence, I'll just show you the gameplay, and what I'm using. No youtube account, so I uploaded a couple of short videos to streamable. General clearing/skill tree/gear https://streamable.com/wbr3i1 The very next boss after the video above and skill gems I forgot to include in the above video. https://streamable.com/ei3zxz My gear is total dog doo doo. I've been super lazy on upgrades, nothing is really dropping, and I'm too cheap to waste orbs on leveling gear, and nobody is selling the gear I'm looking to buy. So I basically played SSF without crafting. Last edited by MrSmiley21#1051 on Dec 9, 2024, 12:32:49 PM
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I assume the diffrence is SRS, either you have it and fokus on it in the beginning or you dont.
If you dont have it you minion build is -50% dmg output compared to what you could do. Im level 60 at the Moment and SRS is STILL like 50% of my dmg, and in early levels it wars way worse. |
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For SRS, you want to get added minion damage on the scepter, and then get more from the key node that lets minions get the amulet stats, you want to roll added damage on that too (like as much as you can), and it'll get multiplied by minion damage %, crit % & critical damage %. Their base damage is too low, even getting an extra 15-20 added damage would probably double-triple the DPS of SRS. Even if you could roll a magic amulet that gives 10-20 physical damage, that would dramatically boost SRS.
Getting like 10-20 minion damage on a scepter would be better than even +3 minion skills, I believe it's possible to get as many as 3 separate added minion damage rolls on a scepter, so if someone wants to get uber-meta with it, they could probably get 3 separate high minion damage rolls, along with some other mods, and that would be BiS for SRS, and probably minions in general. If the issue is low base damage, then the solution is to get as much added damage as possible. Last edited by MrSmiley21#1051 on Dec 9, 2024, 12:57:12 PM
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Again I never had an issue and I have quite a bit of flat added minions damage and decent % on the scepter. I didn't realize amulets we're where the srs damage was coming from.
My sniper gas arrow explosion deals tons more dps than 10 srs in the time they're alive. Maybe I'll try giving them a decent amulet. Would have to craft or find one first but I'll definitely check it out. Currently my amulet is a stack stick and resists for me. |
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" Hook your SRS up with infernal legion, minion instability, and when you get a lesser jeweler's orb, use that on SRS and throw feeding frenzy in there. That way you get consistent damage with SRS exploding constantly to supplement when your gas arrow is on cooldown/unavailable. It also makes minion life on the tree give you dps as well. I'm not sure how gas arrow feels now after the 50% nerf b/c I haven't been home to play yet but if it's too bad now I think arsonists are still doing well in their place. However if they're still fine to use, try putting fortress on firewall and surrounding your enemies so no matter where your archers are their arrows will catch on fire when shooting the enemy. Later you can pick up brute and cleric too to add to your army but I personally haven't seen how effective they are yet. Last edited by Saf3tyhazard#3440 on Dec 9, 2024, 1:42:07 PM
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(Boss) Balbala fight tip (at Level 22 Witch)
I saw a monk (Level 29) video fighting Balbala (Level 20 area I think). I was thinking maybe I should come back to Balbala when I am at a higher level. Instead, I died about 10 times, but beat Balbala. Trick is to cast SRS 2x using Flamewall to trigger, spacebar to dodge/roll around the tiny room. Repeat. Avoid all Balbala's attacks (obviously). Once she disappears, find her fast (I don't have speed boots), otherwise, the room fills with poison gas and you die. I died several times not knowing that. Throw in Unearth, Pain Offering when she is busy fighting your minions. Easy enough. That's it. |
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Already have those supports on SRS and a bunch of flat and % minion damage on items. SRS still pale in comparison to sniper gas arrow explosion. But I'll try the amulet thing tonight.
I was never complaining. I fly through the acts and bosses. Just didn't know people used the amulet on SRS. But I imagine after the amulet my archer gas arrow explosion will scale more as well. Further putting it in its place ahead of SRS. |
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I also currently have 4 snipers. I never run out of gas arrow. It's constant. And since the infernal hound sets off explosion I don't have to wall so often solely for explosion of gas arrow. I still vast it a lot to get out SRS though.
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When all else fails, get the mobile gas wagons out....lol!
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I think you dont know how to play the game.
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