CRIT SPARK DOUBLE COC ARC + LIGHTNING CONDUIT - Auto Exposure Appliance - GIGA strong for endgame

WojtuseK#6530 wrote:
30 spirit from armor implicit
how to archive that?

So there is an implicit for an armor with 30 energy atleast for an armour based on poe2db.
Don’t know if it’s rare, if it’s rare get spirit on all of your jewel nodes or play with an rare amu with spirit until you get your spirit from armor/jewels. I also finished the gear section and the leveling part in the main charplaner with a leveling route, I will update this in the coming days on the thread here too.
Fallub#4188 wrote:
I really love this guide, great work. It really helps.

What draught did you get as the act 3 reward?

Thank you! I’m putting a lot of effort into the build.

Take venom draught of clarity for more mana regen
Great thank you very much. And all your efforts are very much appreciated. This game is so incredibly hard, I feel like without guidance like yours, I would be lost completely.
Fallub#4188 wrote:
Great thank you very much. And all your efforts are very much appreciated. This game is so incredibly hard, I feel like without guidance like yours, I would be lost completely.

thanks that is some great feedback to hear :) im constantly updating this build and I can finally start to play and make some progress in poe2 espacially while the weekend. gonna drop one "how do I level until the endgame and how i can overcome the weak single target" video and then I will focus on endgame and also gonna do a endgame video with gear etc.
Thanks for the updates OP I can imagine how hard this must be...
Just a small change/tip, tell witch perma choices would be good for the build, like witch Venom Draught and etc.

I took the elemental ailment threshold, I should have got the mana regen one so I could use MOM asap =/
Thanks for the updates OP I can imagine how hard this must be...
Just a small change/tip, tell witch perma choices would be good for the build, like witch Venom Draught and etc.

I took the elemental ailment threshold, I should have got the mana regen one so I could use MOM asap =/

thanks! yeah it is challenging but makes a lot of fun, thats the most fun part for me to figuring out a build and get it working :D

thanks for the tip I will add this section tomorrow! I also completely updated the charplaner with gear selection and uniuqes, also updated this thread here with uniques, gonna update it tomorrow or friday for the rare part of gear!
Nice, Atm the skill tree on mobalitics is confusing me I'm not sure what to follow, the list you wrote or the passive tree it self
So is this build just dead now since they nerfed the energy gain?
yep totally dead.
Loving how they're just making this game worse with every patch.

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