No matter what character you login to on PS5, you will not be able to use MTX that was not in your PS5 account.
This means if you buy a stash tab on your PC account, and you login to that PC sub account character on PS5, you will *NOT* see the stash tab. At least that's the way they explained it... No microtransaction purchases are shared between PC and PS5 at all.
We are not 100% clear about how the EA keys themselves work, but from what I have read, you need an EA key on your PSN account to login to PS5... (I'm guessing login happens via PSN and you can't even enter your web email/password, but who knows)
This means I think the process for playing a PC character on PS5 is:
1. create PSN account
2. buy EA key package on PSN store
3. go to your POE web account page -> manage account -> linkn Sony PSN
4. login to that PSN account and use your PC character on PS5
I got them both associated to the same GGG account a while ago. I did have to buy a key for PSN so that part is taken care of for me (will report back about login procedures vs PC). I guess in the end we will see tomorrow on the MTX thing as I'm sure I will at least try on there. In the end it is the couch co-op question that I'm interested in. Maybe he can play on his PS5 solo with my account saying share my content. Might be enough of a boon for that. Wait and see I guess.