Cold Chronomancer Megathread. All content cleared. Leveling guide added. Low-budget build added.

I'm really happy about that patch.

I just litteraly realized that now CoC cast a comet when i destroy walls.

The only thing I did was force comet on weapon set one (the one from CoC).

No clue if it had any impact but at least now it work ahahaha

Way more powerful even if I have like 4x less damage than Monik.

Technically I have 3.4k manabut i think it is more socket related and wand related.
Meanwhile, build update.

Killed Xesht 8/8 in 3 seconds:

I added PoB link there too. Well, it's not really fully operational, so maxroll is still the main thing to use.


- lvl 95.
- New gear. Smth upgraded, smth downgraded.
- Got exactly 4000 mana. Not intentional:

- New wand, sniped for 1d. Basically, equal to my crit damage wand, but with cast speed and a bit more crit chance.
- New helmet and boots to get back to 4k mana.
- I found 6% mana on kill not enough, so got 10% back. Unfortunately, really good jewels cost a lot, so I filtered by Crit Chance and 2% mana on kill. Some jewel slots got downgraded bc of that.
- Added jewels to maxroll. Finally learned how to do it.
- Passive tree and anoint change: opted out of Erraticism, allocated Practiced Signs->Raw Power (for 10 int so I can change anoit). Anointed Dynamism. Both 40% increased damage and energy gain are good. Very cheap alternative - Crashing Waves.
- Some skill gem changes:
1. Glaciation instead of Bludgeon in Frost Wall. I decided to utilize Freeze more (Thin Ice). Passed Simulacrum benchmark.
2. CoC gems swapping: Impetus + Energy Retention for mapping, Concentrated Effect + Elemental Focus for big ass bosses.
- Frostbolt 0.45s, Frost Wall 0.53s. Feels damn good.
- Lost some Curse Effect. 52->49% Temp Chains.


I found all citadels. Finally, closed all content.
Simulacrum is farmable now, not just viable.


Damage. Not only I was able to get some damage back, I managed to surpass my previous showcase in most cases.

All buffs up:

CoC - Comet - Impetus - Energy Retention (mapping):

CoC - Comet - Concentrated Effect - Elemental Focus (bossing):

Frostbolt projectiles:

Frostbolt explosions:



That's it for now. I don't feel like grinding for Dream Fragments/Ingenuitiy/10-20d jewels per slot/etc.

Budget of current build is still in 50-70d range, and I'm done with gearing. I don't feel like I need anything more.


I'll think about low budget versions a bit later.
Last edited by monik390#5560 on Jan 18, 2025, 11:27:12 AM
Yesterday was level 80, quests for level 9+ maps but ok gear.

Got a lucky perfected jeweller drop yesterday (never got a greater or even a divine orb before). Spent a few hours on the market and geared up a lot. Cruising in T15 now.

Need a better sceptre of course, what else would you advise prioritizing?

Are there good unique jewels other than +comet diamond?
Last edited by Serwyn#6318 on Jan 18, 2025, 11:26:13 AM
I'm following the build and im only having 70k on CoC comet.
Got the mana + crit chance jewels, a okish wand (4 lvl, 96% spell dmg, 26 cast, 76 crit hit, 160 mana). got the morior, maligaro's, everlasting... 3.5k mana+1.5k es.
Why im struggling to get that high damage you got guys?
Also, I got some question too, why we do need crit dmg in wand if we are using maligaro's spike? I'm assuming we cant scale drop dmg bonus bc of gloves, right?
I think there is something missing and I tried my best to figure it out. Last thing I could do is ask here. Thanks guys.
Wow, thank you all very much for the detailed feedback. Want to start off by saying I guess I missed a couple of things in the passive tree I shared before. I also do have the following already:

- Chaos Inoculation
- Eldritch Battery
- Raw Mana

My current ES=2,024 and Mana=2,272. Been stuck around 2k for quite a while now.

monik390#5560 wrote:

- Get EB instead of some ES nodes. You already have Gaze, focus on getting more mana everywhere, and ES on gear.
- Archmage.
- Mana on kill jewels. Cheapest would do with Siphon anoint.
- Blasphemy + Temporal Chains instead of CoF. Fr.
- Get some levels of Skill gems. You're 78 now, can get lvl 19 gems. Uncut t19 costs like 1-2 ex.

Good call(s), didn't even think about the Skill gem piece tbh. I've been trying to grab "2% mana on kill" jewels for days but not a single reply yet, lol. Hopefully better luck soon. Thanks for the gear tips as well, I'll do some looking around.

Casia#1093 wrote:
yeah. major holes. first is this ssf or trade? ... if trade league, "go buy better" is generally going to be the answer, disregard any "use currency to craft" suggestions.

Trade league at this point. I avoided trade through the campaign, but was getting destroyed after. Initially just grabbed a bunch of cheap (to me) stuff just to get resistances up. I had used my ex during campaign trying my chances, so didn't have much to work with when I got to endgame.

Casia#1093 wrote:
does your helm, gloves and boots have sockets and runes/soul cores or not?

is your gear all 20% quality?
scepter, armor, flasks.

If you don't have "the adorned" jewel, there is no reason to not toss exalts at those magic jewels. or trade for better ones.

There is no reason for any spell you have to still be 3 linked. 4l lesser's drop like candy.
(5 and 6l are far more rare, and those do require careful selection)

Only current sockets are the ones shown, thought I should probably just upgrade things before going further. Little of my gear has quality at the moment, something that's been on my list but didn't know what to prioritize (and again, figured I'd wait). Good point on the sockets, oversight on my part. What would you prioritize for extra slots?

Casia#1093 wrote:
you have your spells set to level 20, with no quality. unclear what actual level they are, and quality.

They're currently 16, with +4 from the wand. Planning to upgrade them soon, that was another oversight.

Casia#1093 wrote:
gem quality is also fairly easy to get in poe2. but, which spells get the most out of it, greatly varies. frostwalls cdr is great, archamges 2% extra damage per is great, blash's reduced reseve is good, curse extra effect is good, bombs extra pen is ok.

Thanks for the tips :)

Casia#1093 wrote:
everlasting gaze, but no EB. This is weird. you have gaze and aren't over 2k es?
looks like you have about 500 base es. maybe up to 600 with quality. with I think like 250% increased. so, you have what, 1900ish es? but gaze should be putting you way over that..
Also, no raw mana, or intensity.
two es nodes below pure energy, instead of the 35% mana regen there.
Pathed across the middle by ruin/drenched, instead of 1 point up top to bridge, and 1 more to get whispers of doom.
just, here is a better version of that tree. you have so many wasted points in the middle.

I do have EB, just forgot to include that in my original build (see above for others). Agreed on some wasted nodes, I was thinking the same while looking at some of the others on this thread and noticed they take a different route. Have some re-specing to do.

Casia#1093 wrote:
gem setups-
I think most of us dropped cold snap. it was useful during leveling, but as you get shotgun frost bolt, or bomb gets increased aoe with levels, and coc-comet does its job better, cold snap becomes mute. a wasted gemslot. which is needed for archamage/grimfeast, blink, etc.

cast on freeze is ok... but that impetus could be in coc.

what exactly is your crit rate? I would expect pretty frequent coc+comet with those passives, and wall/shotgun frostbolt. or bomb.

I'm not sure how to measure it accurately, but feels like no more often than once every 30s or so. Maybe longer depending on mob density. Could just be a misperception though, will try to pay attention next time I run a map. Have definitely noticed Cold Snap being meh at this point, though, so yeah that's gonna go.

Casia#1093 wrote:
rune sockets. you only show 2, and both are mana regen. those are not great. while regen is always good...
20% defense runes, would boost your ES/evade. es that could be converted into mana via eb.
or, 2% max mana soul cores which are more damage via archmage/arc intensity, and more regen.

Huge thanks for the gear feedback. As noted, I am doing trade, so I'll do some hunting for improvements. I just so happened to find a div yesterday, and have ~100ex to work with. So should be able to get some solid improvements going. Did not know that about defense runes, so thanks for pointing that out!

Casia#1093 wrote:
also, bear in mind, if you only have 2500ish mana WITH EB, you probably won't have enough mana for coc, and archmage.
I was at 1500ish mana, and even coc alone would tap me out too often, and be dangerous during bosses. I def can't do both AM and CoC. did just change gear to get that 1800ish. iirc 330m/s regen. I might be able to do AM now.. but not both.
AM becomes massively more efficient with level and quality. as its damage scales faster then its mana drain. and there is a point, bosses are dead, before they drain your mana.

Appreciate the insight -- would love to go with AM and CoC, but will have to see what I can scrounge up. Need to review my Spirit requirements as well/make a decision on that front. Again, really appreciate all the feedback. Hopefully I will have a success story sometime in the near future, haha.
Serwyn#6318 wrote:
Yesterday was level 80, quests for level 9+ maps but ok gear.

Got a lucky perfected jeweller drop yesterday (never got a greater or even a divine orb before). Spent a few hours on the market and geared up a lot. Cruising in T15 now.

Need a better sceptre of course, what else would you advise prioritizing?

Are there good unique jewels other than +comet diamond?

Well, cover weakest spot 1st - 20% quality your sceptre xD And check what you can add after that.

Other than that, it's rats race now. Get more mana/ES on each piece of gear, slow magnitude on gloves, consider switching to maligaro/morior or scale crit/increased damage to the moon, whatever else. Idk if rarity is worth reducing powercreep tho.

As for the stats, get ~60% crit chance on CoC-Comet and that's enough.

As for the jewels, I have only Controlled Metamorphosis to save some points.
I'm not even considering getting any other unique jewel besides, probably, Adorned.

delorian#2685 wrote:
I'm following the build and im only having 70k on CoC comet.
Got the mana + crit chance jewels, a okish wand (4 lvl, 96% spell dmg, 26 cast, 76 crit hit, 160 mana). got the morior, maligaro's, everlasting... 3.5k mana+1.5k es.
Why im struggling to get that high damage you got guys?
Also, I got some question too, why we do need crit dmg in wand if we are using maligaro's spike? I'm assuming we cant scale drop dmg bonus bc of gloves, right?
I think there is something missing and I tried my best to figure it out. Last thing I could do is ask here. Thanks guys.

Eh, I was running crit damage on the wand bc I didn't have a better wand. Switched to cast speed now. Ofc, there is no need in crit damage anywhere with Maligaro's Virtuosity.

As for the damage, it's always about gear/passives/skill interactions. I can't tell what to fix until you show your build. Or, at least, some stats from Comet.

Also, I mentioned that damage is under all buffs up during the combat. Soul offering, on crit/ailment effects, etc.
Last edited by monik390#5560 on Jan 18, 2025, 1:48:23 PM
Hello Monik and thanks for the reply.
Here is my maxroll:
In nova the forth link is Supercritical
Got the second weapon set with scepter + crest of ardura.
Also my mortis is 4 link, full of rune resist.
Last edited by delorian#2685 on Jan 18, 2025, 2:07:23 PM
I made some gear changes...

I started with swapping ot my old wand amusingly.
it was a +2 to all spells, with mana regen/mana.

the bone wand was the replacement. with +3 to all spells, cast speed, and higher inc damage. it was more damage.

however, the withered wand was more mana/regen. so I decided to try going BACK to the older wand, to see how its better mana regen went. less damage, but way more mana. I was at at like 377m/s. without EB nor arcane surge.
swapped to archmage. played for a bit.

decided to check out eb/mom again, see if I was there yet.. swapping only gave me 2800mana, up from 2000 with the withered wand.

So, I decided to go through the stuff I had been saving up..
new chest, new boots, new gloves. gloves amusing are STILL ar/ev, not ES gloves..

iron rune versus 20 max mana, versus 2% max mana.

589 es chest

Alter robe are:
Energy Shield: 153
x1.20 quality=262.8

641 es with 20% rune

Thus 52.56 ES on armor per 20% rune.
Eldritch battery:
52.56 converted to mana x 1.16 max mana=61 mana. (4% calibration, 12% raw man)

3315>3378=63 mana. i... do not know why thats not adding up the same. thats 20%. 4% additional max mana somewhere.. (if they multiplied into each other, it'd still be 61, not 63)

so, obviously 20 max mana rune is worse.

what is 2% max mana?
technically 2858 base mana(removing calibration/raw mana). so should be 57 mana.
I don't actually have one to test.
20% rune wins just barely with calibration/raw mana boosting it.

Boots. with base Energy Shield: 75,and 90 q quality a 2% max mana soul core is going to obviously beat out what will be 18 mana of a 20% es rune.

and fyi, 15% mana regen rune is 10 mana/sec with mom for me atm.
3442 max mana, 275 m/s without arcane surge. MoM

I stuck a 20 max mana rune into my boots, and that gave me 25 mana. I.. don't understand the math. thats 25% increased. could be 20% with rounding I guess.. but still..

Edit:took into a map.
mana regen is not enough. 365m/s with 70% inc effect arcane surge. which is up nearly constantly. but its still draining too much. flask can't keep up.
Last edited by Casia#1093 on Jan 18, 2025, 2:57:02 PM
so, same gear, but I swapped back off of eb/mom.

2217 mana.
2266 ES./4532 with grim feast. (I wasn't really doing anything with that 30 spirit in the eb version.)

362m/s regen with out arcane surge.
435 m/s regen, with arcane surge. had to ditch the 70% effect as well.

132% gain via archmage, versus what iirc was 204% gain.

eb/mom is 3 passives.
24% damage taken from mana is 7 passives. (15 int,10% mana regen too)

chaos doesn't bypass es. how much is that 24% damage taken from mana even doing? how much stronger ES could I have if I moved those 7 to that?
5 points from eternal youth(+jewel), 6 from ZO. 5 from enhanced barrier. 2 patient barrier, 1 pointers all around.

edit: and yeah.
without the damage taken from mana. 3300 base es. 515es/s recharge. 64% faster start.

also, with all this mana, I can afford AM and CoC at the same time. had to drop blink for it though. :/
Last edited by Casia#1093 on Jan 18, 2025, 3:55:22 PM
I just switched to Maligaro's and Morior Invictus, and the build feels so much better to play! The faster cast speed feels amazing, and you do more damage on top of that. If you have the budget, I definitely recommend it!

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