Ability to use Controller and Mouse/Keyboard at the same time

Diablo 4 does this, alongside everything else on a controller you could possibly think of, PERFECTLY. Path of Exile controller support is absolutely pathetic and trash tier. I love this game, I love POE1 which I've played since official launch and I love POE2, but there are so many issues related to controller right now that I would've quit the game over it if it werent for how incredibly fun it is despite all the frustration.

-Can't inventory manage properly (why change this from poe1)
-Can't trade people properly (why change this from poe1)
-Both melee abilities and ranged/spells suffer from extremely bad auto targetting, whiffing, targetting non existant enemies/objects, it even prioritised dead enemies over living ones right in front of me
-Can't even cast minion offering spells as they miss my own minions somehow?????

Sorry for going slightly off-topic.

Add simultaneous mixed input/whatever system Diablo 4 has(instantaneous swapping between MKB/controller that triggers by simply touching one or the other, with non perceivable delay, so like sub 100ms) PLEASE!
yeah I love playing with controller, but the inventory management and other stuff is horrible. why not let us use keyboard to do that stuff. I only want to fight with controllerr
The Rich Get Richer, the Po Stay Po.
Just tried out controller and it is quite good. The only downside is inventory management which stinks in comparison to mouse/keyboard. It would be great if one could use mouse/keyboard alongside the controller for exactly this reason. Why is this not possible?!?
there need to be separate games for controller and keyboard/mouse.

f.e. not being able to disable the crutch of autoaiming which got introduced for joysticks' limited abilities compared to a mouse is horrible.

poe was designed for kb/mouse and every concession those users have to swallow so the game can be played from the sofa or bed with a joystick is making it less attractive for that target group.

i ever envied ggg's courage to just do stuff other. companies didn't dare to do and somehow make it work with new ideas, but this one is a dead end except they make it a total "arcade/jump'n run bling bling gold game".

age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
hochl#6509 wrote:
Just tried out controller and it is quite good. The only downside is inventory management which stinks in comparison to mouse/keyboard. It would be great if one could use mouse/keyboard alongside the controller for exactly this reason. Why is this not possible?!?

because i hate joysticks with passion for playing fps or arpgs, i bought one for a flight simulator i played 15 years ago and would rather throw it away than to waste any batteries on it.

i didn't touch diablo 4 when it's been released cause it felt like a cheap and ugly arcade game best played with a joystick.
you play as if you're nailed to a place and have no freedom of movement, it's like you're bound on a stretchband to your old location.

poe2 is borderline close to the same problem because of joystick compatibility, they would have to autowarp you into a location (f.e. with lightning warp)you maybe not want because joysticks allow you only to point into a certain direction
age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
I'm also supportive of mixed inputs. I've played nearly 100 hours with a controller now. It is pretty good, and you get used to it, but inventory management is still far from perfect.

Yesterday, my Azeron Cyborg 2 arrived. I didn't buy it exactly for this game, but it could be very nice for it. The main reason I bought it is that I like and support different controller styles. I already have an original Azeron and used Black Friday to modernize it. COD was great with it!

If not possible (right now), give us please at least working auto-select and on-the-fly switching.
Zoddo#3014 wrote:
I use a Cyborg 2 controller instead of a keyboard in my left hand, along with a mouse in my right. One of the main features of the Cyborg 2 is its thumbstick, which can be used for movement. If PoE 2 allowed for using a controller thumbstick alongside a mouse or keyboard simultaneously, it would greatly enhance my control over character movement.

That said, the Cyborg 2's thumbstick can also emulate "WASD" inputs, so it would still function. However, allowing the thumbstick to act as a true controller thumbstick would provide more precise and fluid movement, which would be a significant improvement for players using hybrid setups like mine.

I been trying to set my cyborg 2 up for it and totally agree. Im from console this would help adjust to gaming on pc for many games
i beg GGG PLEASE add this feature into the game, just like in D4 that's a bare minimum to play with, i love to fight with controller and managing things with mouse

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