Path of Building for PoE2


I get what your saying, but for some (like myself) using PoB and making my own builds and min max'n my builds is a big part of the fun!!

Grinding Gear has confirmed that there will be frequent big swings in balance during the EA, especially shortly after release, as they hammer out dents and piss out brushfires. There likely won't be a big content drop for a while, but they'll be making numerical/balance updates weekly or possibly faster. Asking the Path of Building team to keep up with that unpaid in their spare time would be awful, on top of it rendering the idea of a heavily preplanned build useless. By the time you finish analyzing a tree and figuring out the absolutely perfect build that makes the whole game obsolete, balance changes will have already rendered it obsolete itself.

This Early Access period is gonna be the Wild West where nobody has any clue what works and you're mostly just playing ad-hoc, assembling a build as you go from whatever pieces you find as you play. The builds will be hilariously unoptimal, weak and slow and fragile. Personally, I will be treasuring these early-days characters and memories when we're at the point of dealing twenty billion Pinnacle DPS with effectively infinite eHP five-odd years down the line.

This is gonna be the ONLY time in the entire lifetime of PoE2 where you can get into the game and just play, without having to spend a week pre-planning your build or trawling for a guide first. I totally get that some people hate playing that way. Unfortunately, that means EA is probably not for them.
Different take,
I really enjoyed POB to make a general plan AND NOT LOOK AT NUMBERS.

It helped me remember what direction I wanted to head down first and where I was going. Plus was nice to use mouse + keyboard since POE1 had to be full controller or mouse+keyboard, but now I think mouse and controller are instantly swapped in POE2.

I would love to see an out of game skill tree that I can look at and devise alternative potential paths to go down and experiment with. Wonder if something like this, without all the calculated numbers and adding gear, is likely?
Different take,
I really enjoyed POB to make a general plan AND NOT LOOK AT NUMBERS.

It helped me remember what direction I wanted to head down first and where I was going. Plus was nice to use mouse + keyboard since POE1 had to be full controller or mouse+keyboard, but now I think mouse and controller are instantly swapped in POE2.

I would love to see an out of game skill tree that I can look at and devise alternative potential paths to go down and experiment with. Wonder if something like this, without all the calculated numbers and adding gear, is likely?

There will almost certainly be a passive tree preview tool integrated into the website, similarly to how PoE1 has a passive tree viewer built into the website that pretty much nobody ever uses. But you would be able to take a screenshot of your tree and have it ready to compare to in-game, if that's what you mean?
I think everythings gonna be datamined, extrapolated and integrated into player tools at a rate that shocks the dev team tbh. Really feel like if PoB is your desire you are gonna get a PoB pretty quickly.

All i'll add to that is i'd ask if you really think the games gonna be more fun for you with it - I will use PoB2... eventually, but there is no way i'll use it initially as it takes away so much freedom to experiment and succeed or fail.

That particular phase of the game will last such a short time I really encourage most players to just go with it, things are optimised at such a shocking pace now that it'll be gone in a month max.
i sincerly hope that the PoB devs know that this is a brand new release and wait untill the game actually is full release before making pob for poe2, i use pob for all my builds, be it copy paste or my own in ruthless, its a godsent blessing , but please by the love of god, wait untill the game is out of EA before giving us pob for poe2

let us explore, find things, etc. the momment you guys release pob"2" the metacucks will rub theyre builds in everyones face, without pob youtubers atleast have to battle once again for attention because everyone will have theyre own crazy ideas and want to present them
i sincerly hope that the PoB devs know that this is a brand new release and wait untill the game actually is full release before making pob for poe2, i use pob for all my builds, be it copy paste or my own in ruthless, its a godsent blessing , but please by the love of god, wait untill the game is out of EA before giving us pob for poe2

let us explore, find things, etc. the momment you guys release pob"2" the metacucks will rub theyre builds in everyones face, without pob youtubers atleast have to battle once again for attention because everyone will have theyre own crazy ideas and want to present them

As you "make you own builds" whats the issue of people using pob for poe 2, or you saying those "metacucks" took the spotlight of my so called no one cares about ruthless or its builds so here is my chance for a spotlight? People follow few youtubers , fubgun, zizaran, Jung, Ghazzytv, palestron, ds_lily and dude that made that cold dot build, then there is maxroll which has those youtubers making builds for them to so in what way are youtubers gone battle over?

And for those that said its free respec on tree its not, its gone bee like settlers costing gold, how much gold will it cost the more points you spend on that passive tree the more the cost is gone go up per respec of a node, we just dont know how much it will cost can bee 10k per node at lvl 80+ or can bee 20k per node, how much gold will cost to fully respec at lvl 80+ 100k or 200k gold we dont know so saying its gone bee free is lying.
Last edited by Zeddrik#7843 on Nov 28, 2024, 7:51:05 AM
Just consider it your math homework.
I never thought about that till now. Without POB2 I guess POE2 will be born dead!

Counterpoint a great designed game doesn't need PoB to play.

One of the big issues of PoE was requiring PoB and spreadsheets to play the game. One of the reasons I couldn't get into PoE like most gamers.

The fact you can now just play PoE 2 and create your builds ingame and freely respec and theorycraft in game is a HUUUGE bonus.

You can't brick your builds which is how a game should be. Test out some early builds find and item (respec a bunch of passives) go into a new build. Gamers log in.

With ALL due respect, that is a terrible counterpoint and I can see why no one else has even wasted any time responding to it. POE 1 never has and never will "recquire" PoB to play. It only ADDS to the experience once you understand what's going on, so obviously everyone CHOOSES to use it.

Sounds like you had your own issues of why you couldn't get into PoE 1 and that is TOTALLY FINE, there are plenty of simpler of games out there for you. But don't say stuff like "couldn't get into PoE LIKE MOST GAMERS", when its got MILLIONS of players and its 10yrs old. If MILLIONS of us are fine, its a you problem, not a game problem.
I never thought about that till now. Without POB2 I guess POE2 will be born dead!

Counterpoint a great designed game doesn't need PoB to play.

One of the big issues of PoE was requiring PoB and spreadsheets to play the game. One of the reasons I couldn't get into PoE like most gamers.

The fact you can now just play PoE 2 and create your builds ingame and freely respec and theorycraft in game is a HUUUGE bonus.

You can't brick your builds which is how a game should be. Test out some early builds find and item (respec a bunch of passives) go into a new build. Gamers log in.

With ALL due respect, that is a terrible counterpoint and I can see why no one else has even wasted any time responding to it. POE 1 never has and never will "recquire" PoB to play. It only ADDS to the experience once you understand what's going on, so obviously everyone CHOOSES to use it.

Sounds like you had your own issues of why you couldn't get into PoE 1 and that is TOTALLY FINE, there are plenty of simpler of games out there for you. But don't say stuff like "couldn't get into PoE LIKE MOST GAMERS", when its got MILLIONS of players and its 10yrs old. If MILLIONS of us are fine, its a you problem, not a game problem.

At it's current stage POB is mandatory for POE1 - if you want to create powerful build ofc, not just 'funny pressing buttons'
Auctioneer House - is a MUST!
'POE2' is not 'POE1 2.0'!

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