Elements of PoE 1 you DON'T want to see in PoE 2, ever

cesmode#5569 wrote:
1. Zoom zoom, every build having a movement mechanic to speed through maps one-tapping packs of mobs, two tapping bosses. Screen clearing with one button.

2. Difficulty: The game should be difficult but I felt about 2+ years ago when they made changes to the early game difficulty, it became too difficult (at least for me). It became boring at that point running for my life, porting out of merveil just to refill flasks on a new league character. Thats lame.

3. Don't give us 10-20 hours of campaign and then 50-60+ before pinnacle endgame content. That that point, Im bored of my character and want to re-roll or stop playing.

4. A bible of patch notes every three months/league that completely re-work the game and what you thought you knew is out of date. Basically, re-learning the game to see what works, what is nerfed into the ground,etc. I don't have the time to spend a week reading patch notes, reading the website for gem/league mechanic stuff, watching a few videos, and then theorcraft. I want to get to theorycrafting much sooner.

all that is what makes poe good, you should just go and play the B company game, I guess.

On the other hand I don't wanna see players getting milked and hand walked, need a decent game with a decent difficulty and a challenging game play from the planning to the execution, ANYWAYS that market is already crowded with TLI, D4, LE milking handicapped players already.
Fusing/Jewelers orbs but they already addressed that :)

Also this forum, need a mobile friendly PoE2 only forum!!!
I have extra beta keys and I'm not giving them out

PoE1 > PoE2
From what i'm reading, they have one-shot-in-all-cases drowning orbs as a normal enemy ability now. Too bad ):
power creep.

ggg needs to nerf early and nerf hard.

anything that over performs needs to be hammered down.

whenever people say "dont nerf, instead buff the underperformers", they dont know what theyre asking for.

in arpgs, its a huge ass mechanical monster where a single change can make some already powerful builds become much more powerful, which doesnt address the issue of the underperforming skills.

thus numbers just keeps going UP. ggg has to make new content to cater to the larger numbers.

as a result the gap between weaker players and good players become jarringly large. if you're weak, u do 10-100kdps. but if ure efficient or following a meta, you do millions to billions of dps.

as long as ggg keeps the numbers tight, we do NOT need 1millions of dps. players have MORE build diversity as a weaker build is not too far behind a hyper efficient one.
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So far they are doing a good job at keeping it out of the game.
They should have kept a lot of these slop league mechanics in poe1 where they belong.

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