Elements of PoE 1 you DON'T want to see in PoE 2, ever

Phrazz#3529 wrote:
As fellow hater of speed freaks, I'm sad to announce that this is the first thing that will happen. Streamers make the decisions, not GGG (even if they claim otherwise).

What's up with the derogatory terms? Are people "freaks" just because they want fast and snappy gameplay? Or are you just jealous that they get to enjoy something you don't?

For a lot of "freaks" (and I mean A LOT), fast gameplay is what separates PoE from other games in the genre. It is what makes PoE unique in the grand scheme of things. Streamers make up maybe 0.1% of people wanting a fast and snappy game, so blaming it on them is just... Wild.

Did PoE 1 go overboard with speed? Arguably yes. But if PoE 2 is slowed down to Grim Dawn levels, I seriously think it will display worse numbers than PoE 1, even in the future.

Luckily we do see some fast and snappy gameplay in the full reveal, even though not to the levels of PoE 1, which is fine. Lets just wait, see and figure out how fast it's possible to push a character.

Lest we forget, it was GGG who encouraged speed play, through various mechanics and game interactions which rely on it for success. They broke the game, and now they want out. ='[.]'=

True, Ray, GGG since 2015 installed all mechanics to make speedplay a possibility. If they never wanted that, they should have never facilitated it. But they wanted it, because it brought in money. So it is a very strange stance to now say, let split poe 2 from poe 1 because we want the game to be much slower. Why didn't you do the necessary steps in poe 1 then? Why did you introduce headhunter? Why did you introduce mageblood?

As it looks now, as soon as streamers optimize the setups, poe 2 will be a speedfest as well, (ironically).

So I spent supporter money for a new game with dodge roll and console controls in which I am not interested. It is great that all the new items in poe 2 get proper art but what about poe 1 items? Erik initially promised to update all art in path of exile 1 when a second campaign was announced ...

EDIT: I know Erik is not around anymore.

EDIT 2: The fishline has been cast into the water and GGG was initially on the hunt for a mixture of console players, diablo 4 players and elden ring players to bring in the cash. And they hope a lot of the oldguard speedrunners will play their new toy as well. Explains (sometimes conflicting) design decisions.
Heart of Purity

Awarded 'Silverblade' to Talent Competition Winner 2020.
POE 2 is designed primarily for console.
Last edited by Reinhart#6743 on Nov 23, 2024, 11:42:51 AM
Anything that makes the game a boring easy-mode with no time investments or risk

It should be easy under one circumstance - you bled, sweated, and tinkered
Phrazz#3529 wrote:
As fellow hater of speed freaks, I'm sad to announce that this is the first thing that will happen. Streamers make the decisions, not GGG (even if they claim otherwise).

What's up with the derogatory terms? Are people "freaks" just because they want fast and snappy gameplay? Or are you just jealous that they get to enjoy something you don't?

For a lot of "freaks" (and I mean A LOT), fast gameplay is what separates PoE from other games in the genre. It is what makes PoE unique in the grand scheme of things. Streamers make up maybe 0.1% of people wanting a fast and snappy game, so blaming it on them is just... Wild.

Did PoE 1 go overboard with speed? Arguably yes. But if PoE 2 is slowed down to Grim Dawn levels, I seriously think it will display worse numbers than PoE 1, even in the future.

Luckily we do see some fast and snappy gameplay in the full reveal, even though not to the levels of PoE 1, which is fine. Lets just wait, see and figure out how fast it's possible to push a character.


What I don't want to see, is bad balance, where some skills are useless for years before being balanced. I also don't want to see a game that feels totally unrewarding unless you perfectly time every 3-4 skill combo. REQUIRING you to use multiple skills on 'most' packs have to feel damn good for the flow of combat to be nice. Lets just hope they've nailed it, but I have my doubts.

I also don't want to see a game where a tanky character has to dodge roll as much as a squishy character, where a lot of monster skills are just designed to be dodged no matter your defenses. It makes defensive gearing dull and pointless. I fear this when they added the roll, so lets hope it's not the case.

OK, maybe freak is a bit harsh, but my original idea stands. I have no issue with people enjoying different things, I have issue with these "special" individuals that cry, bitch, and moan and DEMAND (even if they do it in a roundabout way) all aspects of the game caters to them. The game should make it possible to have the option for speed while allowing other game styles. In POE 1 you cannot successfully run a slow build (it works, but in an annoying way), because the game was balanced around speed. And yes GGG is as guilty as the people that demanded this style of play.

TL;DR: you can have your speed, but let me enjoy my game at a snail's pace if I want to (which, I cannot in POE 1).
Sanctum. *cough*cough* /cries
linking sockets was the worst ever design ever, I quit over that it was horrible to link the sockets...

With the changes they made to flasks in PoE 2, you don't have to worry about that one...
kyobusa#3514 wrote:
I hope they don't put Ruthless in PoE2.

Put in as in add? No they do not need to do that, it is already baked in :)
MagosX#1099 wrote:

With the changes they made to flasks in PoE 2, you don't have to worry about that one...

I guess you are right lmao I'd forgotten that but really I mean the type of item rather than mageblood specifically, universal stat sticks are gross (to me)
I would like to never see Animate Guardian again or the one-time-use Ritual specters. Really anything where you need to spend time/currency acquiring it, and then it can just be deleted randomly. This is especially the case with Specters as you can accidentally delete the thing just by doing a gear swap while in a map or in your hideout.

Those mechanics are the core reason I haven't played minions in ages.

Also any ability/item which feels mandatory to be effective as a given build archetype (like AG has been for minion builds for ages. Like melee totems were before Settlers).

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