Path of Exile 3.26 Expansion Timeline

Wait a minute, wasn't poe 1 and 2 being developed by 2 teams?
If I remember correctly, suposedly Poe 2 wasn't suposed to affect Poe 1, what changed?
Postponing poe1 league for another 3 months and not even give us an endless delve??? lol. I'm confused.

This is disrespect for the players and first of all for those who support you financially by buying support packs.

Trying to hit the jackpot on poe2, you will lose everything.

A huge disappointment. Honestly, GGG has gone downhill in my eyes.
Last edited by Teret3#5084 on Oct 31, 2024, 9:26:34 PM
Six months is disappointing, but expected, hard to see any alternatives given the calendar, and good news on a reset which is a surprise. Understandable that it's the freshest league content. A little torn between playing it and taking a break until both games are at least 1.0 and leagues are back to cycling regularly, as this rollercoaster is a mite creaky. It would be handy to know whether all acts will end up shipping in PoE 2 early access - easier to come back later if December has less in it - but I imagine that isn't yet known given account code issues have created more time, which is completely fair. Probably will play on this year anyway, as the game is still great, starting on the beach is always fun, and I fully expect PoE 2 to be fun even if it's very partial in early access.
im all for a sub league but since this will be our next three months could we not get maybe some other rewards during this period 1 mystery box isnt really much incentive to start again from scratch?
please add crucible trees?
Will I be able to finish my Kiracs Vault Pass on the event league or I'll need to rush the completion in the next 7 days?
Will We be able to complete the Settlers of Kalguur challenges at this event/sub league?
I'm deeply disappointed.
Go all out and add crucible and other old league mechanics might as well make it crazy fun bro's please :D
Slap in the face for those of us who care nothing for PoE 2 and just want to play the game we've had for the last 11 years. Thanks for delaying it to give us something we didn't want.

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