Rising awareness about Path of Building unintended negative consequences.

The cost of mistake in modern PoE is huge. You can't afford to rebuild your character if you made mistake, this is why it's better to use PoB and calc everything before it's too late.
tsunamikun wrote:
stnikolauswagne wrote:

Not true, they parse everyone on the ladder automatically.

ah the ladder it is then. thanks for the info. Would be interesting to know who gave them permission to do so. Which, if not, with current AI troubles in that sector, may not be legal much longer.

Everyone has their profile set to „Private“ by default, if someone chooses to put it on „Public“ they have to expect that it is… public. Ninja scraping the ladder automatically is simply a result of the combination of „Public Ladder“ and „Public Characters of people on the ladder“.
BaumisMagicalWorld wrote:



You make so many random points... So I prefer to make videos to prove my point:

Took my build even further, farmed a mythical and managed to kill Mogdrogen, Rashalga and Morgoneth with it.

- Without GrimTools and SSF
- Without chosing a skill only for CC(my pets are my CC)
- Without Circuit Breakers(Amazing healing and attention to HP bar replaces that)
- Without investing only into Physique
- Meme melee + pets build(love this style)

- The pets are durable and take aggro while dealing sustained damage and heavy debuffs.

In this build I adapt to Superbosses by swapping to a Salvation relic. The other relic with the pet is simply amazing for normal bosses and mapping
Ofc it takes a while because it's not a build made for bossing, and Mog kills range from 10min to 1 hour of killtime.

So you don't need to play the way the devs want. The proof is in the video. Unless you want to beat ALL superbosses that require specialized builds to beat.

As long as you have some stat knowledge and mechanical skill you can play the way you want. You can even beat HC with this build, as long as you know it's strengths and weaknesses and don't go for specialized bosses like Callagdra and Crate

FUN > Extreme Performance/Meta

Now imagine me trying something this memey here in PoE WITHOUT pob??
Complete failed character in 95% of the cases.
Last edited by Gordyne#2944 on Aug 21, 2024, 1:56:23 PM
I wonder if the worst part of PoB is that it has largely 'absolved' GGG of making a remotely comprehensible game.

How many times do you think at GGG offices did one programmer say "hmm will players understand this", and his coworker goes "yeah they'll just PoB it".

It's killed any desire to make any part of the game remotely intuitive. Defense, offense, completely labyrinthian mess, but "Just throw it in pob".
AllMasterKing wrote:
A lot of words

Can we get like a TL/DR here? Hard to present such an assertion by rewriting War and Peace.
wow topic go somwhere else
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I just tried to use path of building in trying this game for the first time. There is no way you are expecting new players to understand this. I was completely overwhelmed, and I'm not sure if there is a path forward for new players without using this third party app. Perhaps the game is not meant for new players.
I wanted to share my story here, thanks for reading it.

It has been about 2 years from now on since I have deleted my Path of Building out of curiosity. It all stared as a fun project to see how the game would feel like without it. Before that I was a PoB user like anyone else, since we all are being told that a third party program is required to play the game. But it never really made sense to me. In every other game we play we login -> play the tutorial -> have fun. So I was wondering why do we need multiple hours of "making builds" before we even start playing? Why would be PoE different then other game? 2 years later now, I know the answer. No, it is not different from other games. More than that, if you would really pay attention to the campaign, you would find a more efficient ways that are much easier to understand than PoB. I will leave that as an empty statement, because that would require me to write entire guide here and that is not what I wanted to talk about. Maybe next time. Guys, Path of Building is the worse nightmare for PoE. It really is. And you will not understand that there is a problem until you remove it from your PC and take the PoE campaign seriously.

First there is a day and night difference in fun experience and knowledge depending if you learn from PoB or the campaign. I can't explain it better you need to try it yourself and give it at least a months to notice it. But the fact is I have played maybe around 15k hours PoE before deleting PoB. And in the past 2 years I have learned so much more about the game like never before. That I can tell you.

So why did I learn more about the game when I did not use PoB? What makes the difference? I was looking for answers for my experience. And there is a principle of the human brain. Human brain is an efficient organ, when given external memory (PoB), it stops paying attention (PoE campaign). This made so much sense to me. Because that is exactly what I have experienced. Just think about it. If you solved the game before you login, why would you need to pay attention to anything in PoE campaign tutorial. And as you can imagine that can not be a good thing, if players do not learn the game based on the games tutorial and learn it from a third party tool. It makes absolute no sense. This does not happen in any other game.

Another downside of pushing PoB onto new players in every guide is that PoB increases the entry barrier to the game. How many people are out there wanting to try PoE, but because they have been told you need to learn a third part tool for 1000 hours before you can make a your own build? The fact is the same people who push PoB onto new players, are also the same people who tell them to not to pay any attention to the PoE campaign. I am wondering what is the estimate financial loss for GGG because, content creators who don't know any better are pushing PoB onto new players and as usual others are following them. Never questioning.

There is more to it, but this two are the main ones. The PoE community needs a wide discussion about the negative consequences of PoB and learning the game the right way from campaign. There is a lot to discover. The PoE campaign hides it secrets well. As it should. Path of Exile was designed to be played forever. I have solved the big puzzle. So I want everyone else to know, that there is a lot more to PoE then you can imagine and the first step to find it all out is to remove PoB from your computer.

My god, my brain hurts.

There are no negative consequences to PoB, because whether you use it or not is entirely optional for you.

The problem you have, from your own description, is being unable to use PoB as the tool it is, and instead using it as an immutable object. [Removed by Support] and isn't the general experience. Most people see after a couple of times that they can use it as a guide, and alter it as it suits them.
Last edited by Vash_GGG#0000 on Feb 22, 2025, 9:57:56 PM
I'm willing to accept your opinion OP, but only if you un-private your account so we can see what is in it. We need to see your qualifications.
Guild Leader of the OFFICIAL HCSSF Guild.

Guild Thread: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2679775/page/1
Last edited by Anscendant#6753 on Feb 23, 2025, 9:16:44 AM
Perhaps the game is not meant for new players.

The broader more important question is "is there a playerbase left for who POE is intended?"

Clearly POE1 has been heavily influenced in development for several years to cater to the "GIT GUD SON PLAY ALL DAY" people who treat it like their job, and since those streamers have a monetary dependence on the game, they will rarely open their mouth to speak about and discuss the massive amount of systemic issues the game still has, including having no rewarding gameplay endgame loop for those who DON'T treat it like a job.

What happens when you cater your game development entirely to streamers, the followers of those streamers have 99%+ of the same zero attention span mentality, and those streamers leave to "the next big thing" ? Seems we have found out.

Do the streamers realize what they have done? Do they even care? Probably not, too much introspection required.
Last edited by mnieradko#6070 on Feb 23, 2025, 4:46:35 PM

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