T17 once again are ruining this league can GGG just discard t17 concept?
Yea echo needs to disappear at this point they are just digging themselves a deeper hole every post they make. Maybe come back with a better understanding of the game.
Imagine complaining about AOE rolled on Abomination, which you have a choice to ... not roll. Wierd right? Rolling past mods you cant do? This is coming from the same person that refused to roll a single offensive modifier on the sanctuary maps. But for some reason now has to keep AOE on? So inconsistent, they just keep doing it to themselves. But even if echo didnt roll aoe. Theyd still probably die because they cant dodge this kind of an ability: ![]() " Imagine having that much speed and dying to that attack. And their character is this defensively: And yea, I put their silly ashes back on, doesnt change anything.
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" Fully agree. " No, not "blaming". Would've said same thing if I was oneshotting those bosses. " I fully admit that I cannot handle those bosses. " They are reused old content with the random layers on top, which is bad in my personal opinion. " If you force your definition of flaw, yes, sure. |
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" You are straight up liar who fabricates "evidence", have nothing more to say to you. All was said before, you blindly keep reposting your piece of art. |
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" After you’ve completed the campaign, all the maps starting from Tier 1 are “reused content”. Funny thing is, if we take any these T17 whining posts in the subreddit or on this forum and replace “t17” with “red maps” it won’t change anything. Complaining about T17 is the same thing as complaining about red maps difficulty. Just players being lazy and unable to adapt. |
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Not quite. Original T1-T16 map bosses were already designed with random layers in mind, they don't have their own "dodge or get heavy damage" attacks. Problem is not "reused", problem is combining intended-lethal attacks with random patterns. What would you say about Sirus shooting 3 beams (5 before T17 mod nerf), when every beam is designed to be sidestepped? Tanking beams is certainly possible, but you cannot expect this capability from every player.
And it is not just juiced pinnacle bosses, T17 have abovementioned T16 map bosses as common mob packs. For example a packs of those basilisks with innate cone petrification attack which are not telegraphed until slowing already begins. Approach them and get paralyzed, there is no direct defense. A cone aoe can be sidestepped with 1 basilisk, not when there are 7-8 spread out. How should average melee range chars deal with that? Correct, oneshot them:) How very diverse. Last edited by Echothesis#7320 on Aug 18, 2024, 4:57:47 AM
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And before elite arrives and starts screaming about not knowing the game again, I know that some ascendancy passives and kaom boots can protect against petrifying completely, but backing out of the map to change your boots cannot be a good solution either:)
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" The game gives you all the tools (like Svalinn) to survive it. Stack defense and survive. (or play trickster with One Step Ahead and ignore all slow effects) T17 had only 2 things: revenants detonating corpses (already nerfed) and volatile core. The later also has to go because the gameplay is not arpg, it's a pacman or super mario - I dislike such games. |
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" The problem is there's no middle ground for these issues, you either have all the defence and life/energy shield or you don't. You either completely ignore the mechanics through incredible defensive layers or you do so much obscene damage the boss is dead before they do anything. You cannot enter these battles with an ok build that does ok, damage and has ok defence because some or all of the mechanics will kill you either instantly or incredibly quickly. I can pretty much do abomination without issues, but I do still have to use excessive chaos to reroll the maps for acceptable mods that aren't instant death or just pure cancer! My last map cost 30+ chaos as I kept getting -max, -defence, double phys as ele to name but a few. As a generally alch and go mapper, this is just annoying and actually becomes a deterrent for me doing T17 maps frequently. This issue is made worse by the fact uber fragments are so costly, resulting in the choice of do I "learn" the fights for do I just sell them. Last edited by MadMossy#1934 on Aug 18, 2024, 7:08:23 AM
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" wtf are u talking about I'm ok damage and I'm ok tank and I do just fine LOL it's a YOU issue. You REFUSE to learn or make your build better that's it there's nothing else or that one guys issue is that nothingf you do matters you just die. Dys an sohm Rohs an kyn Sahl djahs afah Mah morn narr Last edited by Coconutdoggy#1805 on Aug 18, 2024, 7:28:06 AM
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" Maybe time to step down off your high horse, your build isn't ok damage/ok tank. It's a 100 divine+ build. That is top 1% of players territory. My build is maybe half of that and does all T17s fine as long as I avoid certain mods which is ok. Could my build be improved, absolutely, is the improvement worth the time/investment considering the content I do. Maybe. If I get a few lucky drops. |
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