Recent Economic Abuse

DrkeAvedon wrote:
Empy and his group got banned so why treat them differently since they knew what they were doing?

Big difference.

Empy was exploiting the league mechanic timer something that shouldnt be happening.

The people involved here used the div scarab and cards exactly how they were intended. It was a clever use of allowed game mechanics. This is like saying Ben was exploiting the game last league because he was manipulating league mechanics to get ghosted exiles and ghosted meat sacks to drop thousands of uniques.

How is it Bens fault there's a loophole there?

This situation is no different. The only difference is the outcome aka pure divines instead of uniques.
Last edited by Relationship on Jul 29, 2024, 5:36:16 PM
pwn3d divine orbs
First Mirror drop at t8 pier map in legacy league :D
Second Mirror drop at t16 promenade map in delirium league :D
Gods knows what happened in affliction league... :L
r34_Angryi wrote:
Why dont you just permaban these abusers for once? Show that you value players who report these bugs and exploits instead of being overly tolerant to people who ruin the economy.

Because this is an intended game mechanic? There wasn't a bug. It was an oversight, but everything they did was all intended gameplay: scry to put a high tier map div cards on a low tier map. All but 1 of those div cards were restricted from dropping then because of the drop restrictions. Then the scarab that adds packs of monsters that drop div cards. Not a single step of this was disallowed and it makes no sense to punish them for a profitable strat that found. Locking the wealth which I assume means the divine orbs are now account bound is about as far as they can go.
Definitely knew they were abusing a mechanic - should be a suspension for the league
can we just have the actual normal loot back? this feels really horrible and nothing is worth the time it takes anymore
This is at least as egregious as what Empy did in ultimatum. Possibly more so. There's a lot of tacit understanding in how much you're "allowed" to use bugs.

But if the exploit is so severe that you can't even let those gains enter the economy, then we're talking about a scale that everybody who plays this game should understand crosses a line.

I think it's important to at least give them a league-ban, like you did with Empy & co, so that people who should know better don't keep pushing it.

Because if all you do is lock the wealth away and not punish them, you're setting the precedent that if players discover something like this in the future, they should use it and just gamble on not getting caught.

We need consequences for obvious exploiting.

What if a streamer was caught *cough*fub*cough*gun*cough* doing it?

Shouldn't such a streamer be nailed too?

Locking the divs is exactly as far as this should go. Players should not be punished, in a game mode that is explicitly designed for beta testing new features, for testing new features and finding an unintended interaction.
Why is this actionable? It's using known techniques that all function as they intended just in an unforeseen way. If a farming strategy is too good then all of a sudden it becomes bannable? If it were only half as good would it still be bannable? what about a quarter? Why wasn't fubgun banned last league the day he solo farmed 10 mirrors? We desperately need some clarity on this GGG.
Yan_n wrote:
and you are sure they didnt mule the loot to other burn accounts?

Any IT devs can tell you they can track that lol it's all in a database.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr

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