3.25.0 Hotfix 12

Guys, can anyone tell about what happened with this scarab?
Valm0nT wrote:
Guys, can anyone tell about what happened with this scarab?
Exchange burial chambers's drop pool with any T1 map and use this scarab, you will get tons of Brother's Gift card
Last edited by UltraJJ on Jul 29, 2024, 5:43:10 AM
Being clever is now an offense lol
Valm0nT wrote:
Guys, can anyone tell about what happened with this scarab?

People were scrying burial chambers with a t1 map making the only card that could drop the brothers gift
What a complete joke of a game.
If you took a hard stance on exploits and bug abuse in the previous leagues, things like this would happen on a much lower scale.
If you banned all the people who exploited the obviously overlooked allflame t17s exploits last league and actually manned up to set what is right and what is wrong and punished the bad actors in the playerbase, this would not have happened on a this scale. If you accepted people, quoting Mark, "dropping hundreds of thousands of unique items per map" and didnt classify that as an exploit it will be really funny watching you try to fix this dumpsterfire.
Start. Banning. Bad. Actors.
Currently all you are doing is punishing honest players who don't abuse exploits, by turning the economy into a circus.
Set a precedent. I cant believe this league will be remembered as yet another buggy, exploited sh*tshow.
Hopefully the exploiters get a rollback. how many leagues will the economy be ravaged within 48hours?
The salt in this thread is just perfect. Poe player base try not to cry challenge (impossible) xD
plz ban that fxxking economic criminal.
it happened again and again cause no purnishment.
jhssf wrote:
Being clever is now an offense lol
Being clever is good, being clever than GGG is bad XD
Don't let this ruin the league, ban them or roll them back

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