why is act 1 so brutal?

Its not
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
almost quit again in act 1. its horrible
Totally agree, the main problem i think is with monster modifiers.. how are you supposed to fight a pack of hasted mobs with a boss in the middle. They move 4x the speed you can run, stunlock and kill you in a flash. Also monster aim is really super good, many skills are very difficult to dodge at all and hit like a truck.

GGG can do nothing to make it difficult for a veteran player, they can just make it more annoying (like all the damn degens you cant counter in the beginning...). For someone who has done the camapaign literally hundreds of times, knowing every trick in the book it will always be easy. Imagine new player in comparison, for them it is super difficult and i think for large majority of players off-putting.

Then again do we really want them to appeal to large audiences... ehhhh dilemmas.

Pohx Kappa RF Chief.

Do as he says. Exackly.
I have to agree, I think the hardest part of the entire campaign is act 1. In fact, I think the hardest area for me this league was coming right out of Lion's Eye and doing the league mechanic while also facing the unique teleporting enemy that 1- or 2-shot you with its attacks at the same time. This game gets considerably easier in the middle of Act 2 for most builds.

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