why is act 1 so brutal?

Lyutsifer665 wrote:
Antigegner wrote:
It's a bit more difficult if u r new to the game but not really hard.

I actually am very surprised to hear it's hard from people who joined PoE in the years 2013-16....

with all due respect how would you know if you havent tried the new league? the mobs were buffed for sure,last league was much easier

They weren't buffed in anyway shape or form.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Lyutsifer665 wrote:
Antigegner wrote:
It's a bit more difficult if u r new to the game but not really hard.

I actually am very surprised to hear it's hard from people who joined PoE in the years 2013-16....

with all due respect how would you know if you havent tried the new league? the mobs were buffed for sure,last league was much easier

Except they weren't lmao

Also, pretty sure the rhoas in standard are the exact same as the rhoas in Settlers league. So with all due respect, you're wrong twice.
Lyutsifer665 wrote:
Antigegner wrote:
It's a bit more difficult if u r new to the game but not really hard.

I actually am very surprised to hear it's hard from people who joined PoE in the years 2013-16....

with all due respect how would you know if you havent tried the new league? the mobs were buffed for sure,last league was much easier

Except they weren't lmao

Also, pretty sure the rhoas in standard are the exact same as the rhoas in Settlers league. So with all due respect, you're wrong twice.

no its just a matter of opinion. you guys cant prove that they didnt buff the mobs and i cant prove that they did. i'll go by what i actually experience, i guess some people go by what they read in the path notes. you know they dont put every little detail in there
Last edited by Lyutsifer665 on Jul 27, 2024, 4:41:45 AM
No but we can prove that you've always done ''Why is act X brutal every patch''

Pretty easily in this case it's only you and a couple who always think that when in reality nothing has changed.

Still the same game.

Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
like i said difference of opinion. anyways i just came back like a week ago so i'm not about to get kicked off again for arguing, believe what you want, i'm out of this thread
The honest answer to the original question is Developer Hubris and sunk cost fallacy.

Some time back the Devs decided it would be a good idea to increase the difficulty of the game, starting with Act 1. The intent was to slow down players and get them to 'enjoy' the game Acts. After all, someone once upon a time spent much effort developing them, so why not make the most of them?

Of course, this was a great idea, well implemented, and universally adored by the player base. Oh no, sorry I got that wrong. It ignored all the common approaches to game initiation by introducing monster mechanics that required certain gear that the average beginner wouldn't have access to and then punished them for not having it.

It was panned so hard that GG abandoned the plan after players universally pointed out what a poor idea it was. Unfortunately, GG never bothered to go back and unwind all the bad ideas they unloaded on Act 1.

Players with a lot of experience, or a high level of knowledge and skill can still push through the Acts without too much trouble but there's certainly plenty of others that find it brutal and needlessly antagonistic. Which just highlights how bad the implementation was in the first place.

Character choice can heavily impact these early levels with characters like a Witch being especially susceptible to stun locking for example.

There's ways to train players and provide a challenge without just smacking them in the face with a stick.
Lyutsifer665 wrote:
no its just a matter of opinion. you guys cant prove that they didnt buff the mobs and i cant prove that they did. i'll go by what i actually experience, i guess some people go by what they read in the path notes. you know they dont put every little detail in there

lmao what? Yes, we can.

NUMBERS are not a matter of opinion, my dude. Facts are not subjective.

In fact, not only do we have the exact numbers for health, damage, etc for these enemies, we have the AI script they follow to determine how to attack the player. There is literally NOTHING we don't know about these enemies in terms of combat stats and behavior.
Lyutsifer665 wrote:
Antigegner wrote:
It's a bit more difficult if u r new to the game but not really hard.

I actually am very surprised to hear it's hard from people who joined PoE in the years 2013-16....

with all due respect how would you know if you havent tried the new league? the mobs were buffed for sure,last league was much easier

ok act 1 done - super easy. also with all due respect ;p
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Lyutsifer665 wrote:
Antigegner wrote:
It's a bit more difficult if u r new to the game but not really hard.

I actually am very surprised to hear it's hard from people who joined PoE in the years 2013-16....

with all due respect how would you know if you havent tried the new league? the mobs were buffed for sure,last league was much easier

No way they were buffed. League feels easy mode in campaign.

Act 1 stack your armour gear - it helps a lot.

Don't run into packs of goatmen you know will be there - it helps a lot.

Use a proper move skill - it helps a lot.

Don't get hit as much and kill before they hit - it helps a lot.
it's because they buffed act 1 some time ago, but never got to the other acts, so now act 1 is overtuned compared to later acts.

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