Keep getting kicked for too many actions

Any solutions or we just staying there and waiting ?
Same here . I am playing an RF Char and not a piano Flaskfinder. So the claim of too many actions beeing performed too fast is very Sus!!!
Too many actions too fast (clicked quicksilver flask and holding LMB to run)

Same here – I only play RF. Happens randomly every 10 minutes.
I hope ggg support will read this thread...someday.
same here
same here
I have the same problem. Repaired the games. Stopped all backgound task. Nothing is fixeing the Problem. I play LS
same it only happens when im using FrostBlink happened 7 times in last 10 minutes
Just to keep the thread up ...

we need a solution ... fast

cant do my second lab run ... this game makes no fun.
yep everything that has chill gameplay trigger this. it seems like you not allowed to hold any mouse button down to long.

need to "click-click-click" i guess.. very stressfull.

Fix asap please
♥ The Ice-Witch: Cold Snapping - *finger-snap* *poof* *shatter* ♥

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