Keep getting kicked for too many actions

Hey, don't forget that you need to fix the game.
Same. I'm not even using a keyboard or spamming any mouse buttons, just casually running around with Righteous Fire and only using Frostblink. The "too many actions" kick never ever happened before over many years of me playing PoE, and now it has happened several times already.
Malbidion wrote:
Possible fix after some tinkering...

I changed the Network Mode (under General) from Predictive to Lockstep.

I also turned my NumLock off and back on.

I went from getting DC'd every 5 to 20 minutes, to nothing in almost 3 hours. My guess is it's the Predictive, but I didn't test one without the other.

This fixed it for me aswell, thanks for the suggestion.
How are the fixes coming along?
Having same issue... I get kicked just holding M1 to walk.
getting this every few minutes as well
Same issue here, getting kicked every 5-10 minutes saying ... too many actions.
Same here
Same here, kept getting kicked at fellshrine ruins
Having the same issue.

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