Settlers of Kalguur Launch - Live Updates 🔴

I don't have a wired keyboard to hand sadge
Yall say you tested the game on console, the test results say that was indeed a lie.
Cannot login on Mac
crashing in riverways when the monkeys use enduring cry i think. sometimes i crash when mobs off screen
When will the new mystery box drop?
Two things in the crashreport on my mac:

Kernel Triage:
VM - pmap_enter failed with resource shortage


TOTAL, minus reserved VM space 11.9G


I get the idea that this is a clue, and i have 800 G free space, so it's not on my side.

Someone said they reinstalled the game, and then it works on mac, do i have to do that or will it come a fix?
I don't want to reinstall it on every patch from now on, i guess there will be a few the first week...
I've been unable to create or load into an existing character for the last 2 hours on M2 Mac, has anyone got the game to run on apple silicon yet?
Do these bozos think people are going to deal with this kind of nonsense when poe 2 comes out? Unless these devs wanna change their attitude towards console, theres no way anybody on console is bothering to play poe 2 over diablo. They lie about testing console, they dont care about a fix and just post some hair-brained solution not a single dev tested, they historically havent cared about console players even though some of us actually paid for in game mtx to contribute to the game and the game still renders graphics like it hasnt been updated since 2013. Does ggg and tencent realize the amount of console players active in a game correlates with all the successful AAA titles out there? Why would anyone on console waste their time being patient with these devs when they dont seem to give a shit about them? I regret ever buying a cosmetic in this game. Stop only catering to pc/streamers. How embarrassing for a developer to have such favoritism.
On controller, I can’t change what my miners are gathering. If I try to change it it moves between workers instead of between the ore options.
I am on console PS 5 and cannot create a character if I cannot name it.

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