Settlers will go core 100%

The league mechanic is a town... and it's an experiment.

Alas, it won't go core because it's too useful (if tedious, though nothing compared to the cemetary snooze league).
Patch Notes 3.15:
Fixed a bug where players believed the game was playable. This has been corrected and made retroactive.
Patch Notes 3.19:
Fixed a bug where players adapted to 3.15. This bug cannot be corrected, so we have implemented a 90% reduction in item access as a punishment.
Kingsmarch would make for a pretty cool epilogue area--I've always disliked Karui Shores--but I have my doubts.

This league is somewhat of a story bridge into POE2, in which Kingsmarch will feature heavily. I get the feeling it might be nothing more than a fun way to shepherd us into that future world (with public testing on the horizon), and then it's back to ye olde familiar.

I do think that some of the new league features will survive (currency exchange, for example), but they can be easily implemented into our hideouts.
It’s way too soon to tell. Necropolis looked great on paper ahead of the league as well.

Crucible and Necropolis were pretty obviously not going core as soon as they were revealed. They were minimal asset leagues with a clearly overpowered mechanic, designed from the start to be fun temporary leagues. I don't think reception to Necropolis had anything to do with the decision to drop it, it just wasn't something that could have ever stayed in the game.

Settlers is basically full expansion territory in terms of new game assets and effort put into it and the multitude of new mechanics. I would be absolutely floored if it wasn't core a year from now, that's a lot of development work to throw out after a few months. The only thing inherently overpowered and questionable that it adds is weapon enchanting, which might be the one aspect of it that doesn't survive.

If things don't work out I'd expect significant overhauls of the systems to make them work, rather than tossing the entire tub out. This is basically similar tier to Heist, that didn't have a great first reception so they just fundamentally changed how it worked. If people are really put off by the real time "mission" based content in SoK, I wouldn't be surprised if GGG just made them instant rather than tossing them out, likewise if people don't like managing the NPCs they might simplify that mechanic.
Gopstop22 wrote:
It’s way too soon to tell. Necropolis looked great on paper ahead of the league as well.

what? it was obvious it wont go core like from day 1 you think they will keep a mechanic wich lets you craft 6 guaranteed and targeted t1 items like nothing?

"like nothing". How many did you craft?
Fapmobile wrote:
Gopstop22 wrote:
It’s way too soon to tell. Necropolis looked great on paper ahead of the league as well.

what? it was obvious it wont go core like from day 1 you think they will keep a mechanic wich lets you craft 6 guaranteed and targeted t1 items like nothing?

"like nothing". How many did you craft?

for every gear slot i needed? you wanna compare how long it takes to get specific 6 t1 mods the usual way or how long it takes 6 t1 mods you want with graveyard?
The crafting was indeed quite busted and a way worse item editor than the OG harvest.
It's not a shame and good for the game that it didn't went core just yet without proper fine tuning and adjustments.
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho

"like nothing". How many did you craft?

That's why I quit. It took me 2 hours to craft one item because of the trade situation. Had it not been so fkin painful to sell and buy corpses it would have been fun.
Last edited by cvrpapc on Jul 25, 2024, 9:02:24 PM
i was thinking about this in TOTA

"daaang, those whole dialogues between peoples "
it must be go core !

but i was wrong

what could be right tho, is we are now will be building settelment for our poe 2 campaign act 3 epizode

so thats definitly stay but not in poe 1 : D
i WANT this to go core.

WHY? i m a STD andy. i have TONS of unwanted currency and tons of old stuff i want to get rid of, but trade is a hassle.

would be better if i shipped them off
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exsea wrote:
i WANT this to go core.

WHY? i m a STD andy. i have TONS of unwanted currency and tons of old stuff i want to get rid of, but trade is a hassle.

would be better if i shipped them off

You do realize that you ain't gonna get rid of your cookie cutter currency if nobody makes a listing for it right?
The few people playing standard sure won't have any need for said currency after all the years and leagues so the demand is pretty much non existent.
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
Last edited by Pashid on Jul 25, 2024, 11:07:26 PM

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