Settlers will go core 100%

Settlers is for sure gonna go core, think of the micro transaction potential for cities and ships and ability to scale the content with more features into the future.

What features would people like to see in the future for it if it is core or moved to the city?

1. Combat events
2. Reworked Harvest - lets make a farm again.
3. Bestiary - Updated Beastiary with variant mobs (shiny) to show off.
4. Shrines to the gods you select such as a Brine King Statue.

Just a couple of ideas off the top of my head but the scope for this could be endless and amazing.

Whats everyone else thinking?
Last bumped on Jul 26, 2024, 1:41:01 AM
It’s way too soon to tell. Necropolis looked great on paper ahead of the league as well.
It’s way too soon to tell. Necropolis looked great on paper ahead of the league as well.

Yup, I've gotta agree. And I'm one of the folks that liked Necropolis.

Let's not get too far out over our skis, here. Settlers looks very promising, and I'm very excited to get in there, but I want to play it a bit before calling for it to go core.
I AM READY. Nov. 15th, here we come!
It’s way too soon to tell. Necropolis looked great on paper ahead of the league as well.

It looked terrible we saw some guy scream for 20 second just for a rare that didn't even get looked at on stream.
Why am I still here
Im sure they already have something similar to "settlers of Cowgirl" in Poe 2. And 3.25 is just a beta test for it,just like currency market.
Last edited by ERROR502 on Jul 25, 2024, 3:30:17 AM
Mrwunda wrote:
Settlers is for sure gonna go core, think of the micro transaction potential for cities and ships and ability to scale the content with more features into the future.

What features would people like to see in the future for it if it is core or moved to the city?

1. Combat events
2. Reworked Harvest - lets make a farm again.
3. Bestiary - Updated Beastiary with variant mobs (shiny) to show off.
4. Shrines to the gods you select such as a Brine King Statue.

Just a couple of ideas off the top of my head but the scope for this could be endless and amazing.

Whats everyone else thinking?

I really hope it will go core, even if it's not very good.
There's so many problems in the game that this League mechanic alone solves.
For example.

1. Unique weapons are trash and unuseable in many cases. Mainly because rare weapons just are way better. Especially for builds that rely on weapon damage.
Runesmithing is the solution as it now allows you to enchant unique defining weapon effects on your weapon for more build diversity.
Only thing I would add to this system is make it so the Runesmithing system also required the unique item as a material to be salvaged before enchanting it. Mainly to try and give Unique weapons some value and actual use when they're dropped on the ground.

2. Rare and magic items dropped on the ground or obtained in most other circumstances have zero value and no use.
Solution? Recombinating. Recombinating is one of the best item sinks in the entire game. It even allows you to use 1 mod items(Items with 1 useful mod and 5 garbage ones) that otherwise would be useless to be recombined to try and create strong crafting bases. Simple example is temple modded gloves.

Another item sink in the game is the disenchanter where you break down items put inside for Dust to use for the runesmith. Not sure how it will work though but guessing the quality of the item determines how much dust you get.

3. 70% of map drops are complete garbage. Anyone who has sinked in hundreds of hours into a league know this. Once you hit endgame and comfortably farm your T16 favorite maps, all other maps that drop just sit and rot in your stash tabs. Especially maps with bad layouts (All Crypt like ones or door filled ones) or any map lower than tier 16. You often end the league with thousands of maps that just sit and rot because you have no use of running them and selling them is a hassle.
Introduce the Isla map running system where you just burn all your shit maps you don't plan to run for some extra currency.

4. Trade is becoming more and more unbearable every league.
Enter an Auction house.

These are just some examples of the solutions this League introduces that solve actual problems in the core game and imo, a major reason why it should go core.
Based on the teasers and trailers as well as Mark's commentary, I wouldn't mind Settlers to go core. While actually playing the league could change my mind, I doubt it will. I like passive mechanics running in the background. Just a notification on your screen telling you that "rewards are ready to be picked up" is actually a very nice dopamine hit.

ONE thing I would want them to do if it goes core, is to add the hideout mechanic to to the town, so we could add all of our NPC's and crafting benches to the town. It didn't look like you could do that.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
This might sound strange, but I think it might not go core because of how big it is - basically judging by the live stream it almost seems like a separate game instead of just side content.

Yes, we already have big pieces of content like Delve and Heist, but those are not self-sustaining - you still need to get sulphite and contracts somewhere else. But Settlers of Kalgur almost seems like it could be self-sustaining in terms of gold and resources to build things?

I hope I'm wrong because I'm already hyped (which is rare for me) and wish that such side content would go core.
It’s way too soon to tell. Necropolis looked great on paper ahead of the league as well.

what? it was obvious it wont go core like from day 1 you think they will keep a mechanic wich lets you craft 6 guaranteed and targeted t1 items like nothing?
Last edited by Gopstop22 on Jul 25, 2024, 6:11:09 AM
Honestly there's a good change that it won't go core as most is likely reused assets out of PoE2 so they wouldn't lose a lot of work by not making it core.

I do personally hope that they put it into the base game and continue to build up on this type of feature.
All the account bound stuff and features resolving around it are just too good for the game and they could easily add or adjust already existing features to it.
Aisling slams and so many other things could work just in the same way like the recomb.
All gated by a system that is not based around trade cheese is just good for the game.
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho

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