Easy-mode Build for New League

Not a top notch player here - older, busted fingers, slower reflexes, no top end machine. Still enjoying this game, even without "winning", all the fancy endgame content etc.

Looking for new build ideas/suggestions - main points being able to hold its own without excessive clicking combinations or super hard to get gear, no graphics / system requirements slowing things down.

Just a fun ride, take it as far as it goes.

To get the drift, here are a couple of builds I used on some recent leagues:



And way before that, when it was still on - good ol' Hank-the-Tank variants.

Thanks and lets have a great one.
Last bumped on Aug 8, 2024, 1:18:39 AM

As someone close to 60 years old I know what you mean, been playing video games since the amstrad 464!.

I think there are many older gamers around, and I also think we are a bit of a niche market. I do find some builds unplayable for me (way too fast) so I tend to stick to things a bit tankier and a bit slower.

Last few leagues been playing ice trap, explosive arrow or a minion build. I think you just manage your expectations, I just play and have fun until i get bored and then make a new character (rinse and repeat a few times each league :).

So, for me, traps and totem playstyle works, I hope you find something that works for you too!.
pohx's RF chieftain. you just walk around and things explode. you throw fire trap every now and then. very chill build. he has a detailed guide for it on his website
Last edited by Lyutsifer665 on Jul 24, 2024, 3:17:32 AM
any more popular minion build, traps and mines are easy mode, melee especially bleed is going to be bonkers this league, lightning arrow, caustic or other poison dot builds.

But pohx's RF build is click bait and bad.
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun.
Pashid wrote:
any more popular minion build, traps and mines are easy mode, melee especially bleed is going to be bonkers this league, lightning arrow, caustic or other poison dot builds.

But pohx's RF build is click bait and bad.

why is it click bait and bad? it can clear the atlas up to t16 on cheap gear and can do almost all content with investment. on his adorned jewel version he cleared some ubers and t17's with it

just because you dont like it doesnt make it click bait or bad
Lyutsifer665 wrote:

why is it click bait and bad? it can clear the atlas up to t16 on cheap gear and can do almost all content with investment. on his adorned jewel version he cleared some ubers and t17's with it

just because you dont like it doesnt make it click bait or bad

That's the entire bait to require a expensive adorned setup to touch t17 maps and ubers.
Other actual "easy mode" builds allow you touch the real end content without a adorned setup and the feeling of playing a zpds.
Any new bleed melee build caps out on dot cap earlier than his weird rf build and has more ehp without the requirement of a adorned setup.

There are also better ways to scale rf in more dmg and tank ways but his guide is just a bad click bait.
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun.
Last edited by Pashid on Jul 24, 2024, 4:06:06 AM
Yea I mean you can go with Rf. Get pohxs' guide, there probably are others if you can find them. Hes the most reliable that I am aware of. Maybe not the best? dont really have an opinion on it.

Just know its extremely $$$ to push to the higher ends of the game, comparative to other skills. But you said in your OP you dont want to use much input so RF is perfect for you.
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
My Herald of Agony Juggernaut sounds right up your alley OP.

I've played it a lot because it is easy pz to pilot, facetanks everything, is cheap to build and progress through maps (cold iron points, the golden rule jewel and life/res rare gear), and the build has fantastic visual clarity in combat/runs smooth on a 2017 PC.

If anyone is interested I did up a quick PoB for lvl 80 - 20-30 chaos trade invested gear (basically just the cold iron points which can be 10-20 chaos each in first few days of league... their value rapidly falls to 5chaos or lower thereafter though).

I also have a min/maxed lvl 100 PoB which is designed in such a way to comfortably tank and fight Uber Pinnacle Bosses.

Getting from the level 80 version to this 100 version will require HEAVY investment (150ish DIVINE ORBS) but if you just wanna do all non-uber pinnacle content comfortably the investment drops down to 20ish DIVINE ORBS as Mageblood not needed, you can drop shield and use 2x cold iron points for more dmg, and you can drop the spell suppress gear and just use good Armor only gear which is wayyy cheaper/easier to get.

"The key to winning any fight is simply staying alive."
Last edited by WARPAINTER on Jul 26, 2024, 12:45:50 AM
Thanks everyone, nice comments and info. Keep'm coming....

Never played a minion build (I think) - thought it might be resource heavy and way too much clutter, but maybe give it a go this time around.
osperand66 wrote:

As someone close to 60 years old I know what you mean, been playing video games since the amstrad 464!.

Wow... I haven't heard 'Amstrad' in so many years it was quite the flash down memory lane!
I don't remember the model I had. I do remember it ran at a whopping 4hz or somesuch. It was twice the speed of most anything else on the market and, looking back on it now I have to laugh thinking it was screaming fast...
Patch Notes 3.15:
Fixed a bug where players believed the game was playable. This has been corrected and made retroactive.
Patch Notes 3.19:
Fixed a bug where players adapted to 3.15. This bug cannot be corrected, so we have implemented a 90% reduction in item access as a punishment.

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