New and Changed Gems in Path of Exile: Settlers of Kalguur

That's why people stick with Standard in the first place. I'd rather examine a change for what it is than just blindly jump into whatever content is changed. The people playing this game do pay the devs salary at the end of the day so just assuming the players have no say in any of this is absurd.

Also yes - players stick with Standard...All 10 of them.
Can Crushing Fist be used unarmed? It's a fist.
Bit ouch to be chopping determination and grace by so much.
How does Crushing Fist interact with dual wielding?
Is the cooldown on retaliation skills for them becoming active? Or actually using them? I don't see how being able to use them for longer with the support gem benefits you while you have a cooldown. And am I correct to assume the cooldowns are not shared?

I loved counterattack skills, but active retaliation seems stupid as shit. I don't see many people devoting a button slot or the brain power to track their availability for something you can't even use for bosses.
"haha better nerf vortex again j-just because! >.<"
Why is only double strike weakened,please。I can't accept it!
How does attack speed on Retaliation Skills work? Is it based off the attack speed of your mainhand weapon (or both weapons in the case of dual wielding)? Is it solely based on the retaliation attack speed nodes on the tree? Does Tailwind affect them?
pk27602014 wrote:
Why is only double strike weakened,please。I can't accept it!

Doesn't it have almost 3 times the damage effectiveness now? On top of that the boys went from 40 damage effectiveness to 100.
Last edited by sharkh20 on Jul 23, 2024, 11:57:27 PM
And the cook will work?

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