Very Confused About Melee Rework

1453R wrote:
Is it Awful Horrible No Good Very Bad for it to be MANDATORY for melee builds to curse their enemies?

Is it Awful Horrible No Good Very Bad for it to be MANDATORY that melee builds use auras/reservations that increase their damage or defenses?

Is it Awful Horrible No Good Very Bad for it to be MANDATORY that melee builds use movement or evasion skills for movement or evasion?

Really, I'm starting to wonder what the actual Sam Shatner Banana Manhell y'all are doing with your extra sockets. You hate warcries, you hate banners, you hate curses, you hate auras, you hate minions, you hate secondary melee skills, you hate supplementary skills of basically every sort.

Like...seriously. What the hecc are you putting in the rest of your sockets? You absolutely refuse to use any form of supporting skill, and you equally refuse to use multi-button builds that make use of multiple melee skills.

How are y'all using the sockets that aren't your core 6L?

A strawman is not a real man, but you sure sound like Pinocchio here.

People have questions about how things are going to work, because they want to hit the ground running. I spent like 2 hours in PoB last night and while it was great fun, I didn't get to autoexertion and I am all discombobulated about it.
I'm struggling to come up with new goals to keep me playing this game.
Gonna add this to ur thread as well:

-they gutted enduring cry; it seems like its 50% more useless to my build. i havent tried it out yet to make sure it isnt that bad, but im not excited to find out... is how ill put it. i hope im misunderstanding something

-DMG reduc from berserk has been removed
15% is actually a very fair, if not arguably still too low, amount of reservation. Warcries are not some trivial buff.
15% is actually a very fair, if not arguably still too low, amount of reservation. Warcries are not some trivial buff.

When triggered by Autoexertion warcrys do NOT give the buffs from the warcrys.... It's all in the name Auto Exertion. It only triggers warcrys for the exerted attacks.

And DONT forget not only will every warcry linked to Autoexertion reserve 15% mana they also still cost mana to use them!!!!
Last edited by argoniashawks on Jul 24, 2024, 3:50:03 PM
warcries are entirely optional, most builds won't use more than one

totems weren't optional

banners are instant so it doesn't matter
argoniashawks wrote:
15% is actually a very fair, if not arguably still too low, amount of reservation. Warcries are not some trivial buff.

When triggered by Autoexertion warcrys do NOT give the buffs from the warcrys.... It's all in the name Auto Exertion. It only triggers warcrys for the exerted attacks.

I am aware. My bad for using the word "buff", when I clearly meant "power buff".
1453R wrote:
Is it Awful Horrible No Good Very Bad for it to be MANDATORY for melee builds to curse their enemies?

Is it Awful Horrible No Good Very Bad for it to be MANDATORY that melee builds use auras/reservations that increase their damage or defenses?

Is it Awful Horrible No Good Very Bad for it to be MANDATORY that melee builds use movement or evasion skills for movement or evasion?

Really, I'm starting to wonder what the actual Sam Shatner Banana Manhell y'all are doing with your extra sockets. You hate warcries, you hate banners, you hate curses, you hate auras, you hate minions, you hate secondary melee skills, you hate supplementary skills of basically every sort.

Like...seriously. What the hecc are you putting in the rest of your sockets? You absolutely refuse to use any form of supporting skill, and you equally refuse to use multi-button builds that make use of multiple melee skills.

How are y'all using the sockets that aren't your core 6L?

1) If by "curse" you mean then yes I run mark on hit with poacher or warlord with bonk/impale builds.

2) Movement or evasion skills for movement or evasion? If I need to constantly be avoiding melee range and dodging on a "TRU MELEE" build then I'll go play another ARPG where this isn't necessary. How about D3 or D4 that this community hates? They do melee fine. How about D2 where POE draws so much inspiration? Ya no headless chicken "melee" gameplay there.

3) Warcry piano is temporary buff piano in which ability X temporarily buffs ability Y, INSTEAD OF JUST PERMANENTLY BUFFING ABILITY X IN THE FIRST PLACE. I had enough keyboard piano in WoW tanking followed by D3 melee. Keyboard piano is extra fun when the devs refuse to get in the modern age and place key UI elements (like cooldown timers) NEAR YOUR CHARACTER MODEL.

4) I'm putting my skill points in all the mandatory things that GGG assumes a "Melee" build has since they assume we're running with 200 passive points these days: life, res, max res, impale or bleed, weapon nodes, generic damage nodes, reservation nodes, travel nodes, charge nodes, jewel nodes, etc.

5) I'm using most of my remaining sockets on travel skills (probably linked to lifetap because GGG now hates melee mana usage), auras, CWDT setups, marks/curses, and possibly a secondary/supplementary damage ability.

6) Since you mentioned reservation, I see that GGG's new stance on melee mana now means that most melee builds are running blood magic and giving up most/all of their auras. Is this GGG's definition of a melee "buff"? Just more bait for the ignorant.

7) I don't hate minions builds but GGG certainly does since they die instantly to anything and require absurd currency investment. I won't be going down that path again when other ARPGs offer more fun and competitive minions builds with minimal investment.

In summation bro, I'll go league start a ball of static hierophant where I can play a few buttons every few seconds, clear the screen, require zero temp buff management, be in waaaaaaaaaaaay less danger, and require waaaaaaaaaay less currency investment. Is that what we call "balance" now in this modern abomination of POE? Should we give casters keyboard piano too for poor results?
Last edited by mnieradko on Jul 24, 2024, 1:54:58 PM
15% is actually a very fair, if not arguably still too low, amount of reservation. Warcries are not some trivial buff.

When triggered by Autoexertion warcrys do NOT give the buffs from the warcrys.... It's all in the name Auto Exertion. It only triggers warcrys for the exerted attacks. And still will have its mana cost to use as well!

Last edited by argoniashawks on Jul 24, 2024, 3:51:55 PM
hmcg020 wrote:
What you have forgotten, is that autoexertion (the new call to arms) prevents any warcry from granting ANY buffs to players now, AND it reserves 15% mana per warcry. So, it takes two gem slots and 15% mana for literally no direct benefit. There's masteries and passives that benefit from "recently" etc, though the only way to instantly warcry, now ensures players cannot gain buffs from any warcry.

The rage generation mastery based on warcries needs investment to make it work with the how you'll now lose 10 stacks every 2 seconds. This is a bit of a puzzle atm.

I managed to make my build work and I'm using warlord's mark now for rage - Shield Crush and already at max crit so no need for assassin's mark. Warlord's mark looks very good now.

Banners are absolute dogshit. I could not make them provide any decent benefit in PoB. Maybe I'm doing it wrong, though I don't think that's the case. They seem worthless now. At least they don't get one-shot like totems which is nice. In uber boss fights, etc, where's there's no way to kill mobs to generate valour, I don't see how they work.

You get the exert portion, hence "autoEXERTION".
auspexa wrote:
warcries are entirely optional, most builds won't use more than one

totems weren't optional

banners are instant so it doesn't matter

This is the point!!!!!!!!! people want to use the warcrys... there are nodes all over the tree. they give great buffs and effects now. But no one wants to have to hit 8 different buttons during boss fights (or legions etc...)

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