We need answers about ps4 performance (consoles in general)

You are playing free game. Why you cry so much? Nobody owe you anything, just accept it. And please, udpate your calc :D

ggg owes everyone a game that works properly
Last edited by Redd_Barr on Aug 20, 2024, 2:11:20 PM
There are people like me that just started playing this league and bought a pack. Why aren't we owed support for a product that takes our money?
RpgFreak48 wrote:
There are people like me that just started playing this league and bought a pack. Why aren't we owed support for a product that takes our money?

welcome to poe, but unfortunately it seems that console users are funding pc (and poe2) development
As per my reply in thread …

The game for me on XB1X was approaching unplayable back in 2020, it’s why I bought the XBSX that year. The difference was mind blowingly good.
Sorry you guys on PS5 afaik haven’t got the new client (maybe Sony certification issues, dunno) but that dedicated current gen client added another tier of beauty and playability for us on XB current gen.

The simple truth is PoE 2 is current gen only, and for good reasons. The game just would run like a dog (and imo why PoE 1 does as well) on old gen consoles. It’s really time to consider a console upgrade.
Last edited by Timbo Zero on Sep 6, 2024, 5:16:23 AM
A very simple fix, and one that diablo 3 actually did for consoles back when greater rifts were unplayable on ps4.

Reduce mob spawns, reduce clutter drops, and increase value drops accordingly.
This reduces the load on the CPU and GPU, improves load times, and creates smoother gameplay on older equipment.

The fix is actually rather simple.
A very simple fix, and one that diablo 3 actually did for consoles back when greater rifts were unplayable on ps4.

Reduce mob spawns, reduce clutter drops, and increase value drops accordingly.
This reduces the load on the CPU and GPU, improves load times, and creates smoother gameplay on older equipment.

The fix is actually rather simple.

Using your brain is antithetical to (needlessly negative).

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