I am gonna miss good gear. I wish we get system just as powerful next League.

Gopstop22 wrote:
we can craft even more op items this league thanks to kalandras mist and recombinators

We are probably good. Albeitt recombiantors are only better than Graveyard when it comes to absolute high-end / wonky stuff like spell supp on ES base. Also we don't know whether they introduced more limitations. Sadly Sentinel is much more expensive to do. Also imagine if I had to recombine countless bases with fractures for the gear on my Trickster...maybe I would craft it differently this League though.

Last edited by SunL4D2 on Jul 25, 2024, 8:59:14 AM
exsea wrote:

theres a big divide in the community where some people see difficulty as fun while others see being stronger is fun.

lol wut (so much to unpack there)
Phrazz wrote:
I'm still waiting for a league that gives you good, quality items as drops. Instead of gear-crafting items like coffins, I want map-altering items that are influencing gear that drops.

It's not the coffins I had a issue with, it's the convoluted spread sheet crap.
And yes, I'd much rather have a simple monsters drop loot league mechanic than stuff like Necropolis.

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