I am gonna miss good gear. I wish we get system just as powerful next League.

I am gonna miss being able to craft wide vareity of items for my build, having access to any base, mutliple fractures, fracturing influenced items, etc. etc. We need very powerful crafting like that in PoE. I wish GGG let us fracture multiple mods and influenced items. I like the idea of crafting that lets me manipulate odds in such a cool way like Graveyard did. Wish GGG introduced something similar and as powerful, maybe even more powerful. Not being able to craft items with synthesised implicits serves as reasonable barrier separating truly insane 0.01% kind of items from something that is just really damn good item like this . Graveyeard was never broken because of that and other limitations it had like not working on jewels, being unable to efficiently target spell suppression or mods with really low weight.
Last bumped on Jul 26, 2024, 12:27:49 AM
Grats on 40/40
superbomb1967 wrote:
Grats on 40/40

Thank you. Did you missed leaguely thread I made about it a couple days ago? :p
Last edited by SunL4D2 on Jul 17, 2024, 10:27:05 AM
The leagues I've enjoyed the most have had out of control player power. It's just.. you know.. fun. I know it's an outdated concept these days, but fun really drives me .
My most hated game.
My most favorite game.
Such is the duality of man.
I'm still waiting for a league that gives you good, quality items as drops. Instead of gear-crafting items like coffins, I want map-altering items that are influencing gear that drops.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
its a shame the power was gated behind some super tedious over complicated craft system. i never touched it myself. had a friend craft 1 item. he spent an hour just buying/trading for the coffins. then maybe another 30 mins setting up the graveyard. in the end he didnt even get what he wanted because these crafts are not 100% deterministic. that was the only time he touched the grave craft.
i wish they would give us something fun and simple for once

edit and someone had put it all together for him in a spreadsheet on some third party website. thats how he even knew how to craft it
Last edited by Lyutsifer665 on Jul 17, 2024, 6:30:33 PM
I think the grave crafting was good, I understand why many people didn't like it and it could of been more user friendly process. Trading for certain corpses was terrible though. Worst part of league. Trying to find a corpse with a specific monster name to match the one one you have so you can craft the item was a mission to say the least. I see what they were trying to do, if I was in SSF it might of encouraged me to farm a certain area. In trade it just became a job searching for these.
Last edited by Belegur85 on Jul 17, 2024, 11:09:25 PM
ValfaderTV wrote:
The leagues I've enjoyed the most have had out of control player power. It's just.. you know.. fun. I know it's an outdated concept these days, but fun really drives me .

theres a big divide in the community where some people see difficulty as fun while others see being stronger is fun.

i come from the latter camp.

i had the most fun in sanctum and affliction. both gave players more power and avenues for more currency.

at the end of affliction, and with the removal of the WW Ascendencies, i felt like i just had a good source of fun taken away from me.

it was the most fun i've had in poe in a decade. i dont like the league mechanic but damn being able to afford good gear and have access to new ascendancies made me have so much fun.

similarly, wealth and strong gear drives me. which is why i play on standard too. ggg casually flipped exalts/divines, retroactively changed some cluster jewel nodes and got rid of alt quality gems.

GGG be like no fun allowed.
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I cut my teeth on the early PoE. Think 2013ish.

So anything that removes me from the gameplay loop I'm used to is a drain. Whether it be Heist doors or NPC interactions, Harvest setup, Betrayal setup, etc it's all the same.

The Atlas options to just disable everything is imperfect. It should be a little more optional. If they can do that then it'll be a perfect balance.

I didn't enjoy Necropolis. While it was fun to craft a reasonably good weapon early on it was a useless chore carrying coffins and interacting with the stash so much and managing graves. The juice wasn't worth the squeeze after awhile and yeah I know you just grind up the right corpses to make super powerful gear. I just dislike that gameplay loop.

So anything that gets thrown in to the gameplay loop at this point will be polarizing. Maybe league start should have an Atlas node too for disabling the league mechanic. Maybe devs don't want to do that. Not sure how that would go over but I think a lot of people would like it.
Izrakhan wrote:

The Atlas options to just disable everything is imperfect. It should be a little more optional. If they can do that then it'll be a perfect balance.

my wishlist includes being able to disable master and ALL other extra content specifically.

theres a ton of stuff that i simply do not like. shrines is one of them. if you like them all the power to you, but if i had the option to disable them, theyre definitely out.

more options = players enjoy the game more.
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