Path of Exile: Settlers of Kalguur Teasers

fake2wake wrote:
ED/CONT buff!

Second that! Please increase the AOE of contagion. Please increase the damage numbers of ED. Please increase the cast time of the two skills.
Finally. <3 your humor. And bring TotA matches back.
Well, u find only one QoL change without nerfs? one less button? really?
When will we get the information of whether necropolis will go into core or not?
Praying for:
Vacuum pickup (pick up one currency item and all nearby items of the same type also gets picked up)
Mr_Macpop wrote:
Good change, although a bit overdue. Please bring TotA matches back.

What is TotA?
Trial of the Ancestors (TotA) - a great mechanic to play alongside the main game when you become bored from running maps over an over again the same evening.
kiracs vault on standard? :D
I miss harvest, 36/40 never forget.
Mirror drop - Strand clear speed meta legacy league month "5"
Mirror drop - Canyon casual farming harby ultimatum league month "1"
now i'm a main standard league player.
league content on standard when? GGG! show us some love.
Mr_Macpop wrote:
Trial of the Ancestors (TotA) - a great mechanic to play alongside the main game when you become bored from running maps over an over again the same evening.

Personally I hated TotA, probably the most frustrating mechanic I've ever played in this game. (Even with the cheese build it wasn't much fun to me)

It's outside of maps though, so I wouldn't mind if it would get added to the core.

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