Fix the bugs in the game!
"This thread is not for reporting bugs. Its for making it clear that some players (me at least) care about fixing known bugs. Or alternately if "GGG" (whoever is responisble, I dont believe its really possible in a company of that size that no one there is aware of such bugs) is unaware of this (and other mentioned etc) bugs they should put more effort into internal communication and/or communication with players. No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!
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"Which ones are you talking about? " "If you mean the screenshots in this thread. I made it quite clear that this is not a bug report thread. "Again, not a bug report thread. "No idea where the "business analyst" comes into here... "For crashes there often isnt any good information. "Too simple. This does not relfect the truth properly. No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle! Last edited by Zrevnur#2026 on Jun 3, 2024, 12:12:53 AM
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" The ones related to randomly crashing, which you answered below. " " Just in general, In this thread you did post some photos which demonstrates my point. I look at those images and don't see anything wrong with them. " I was providing feedback on how to articulate bug reports. " That's because you don't understand how the IT industry works. Developers are busy and paid to write code, not trawl forums and seek user feedback. That's the role of a Business analyst who collates all the feedback from users and testers, adds them into the backlog to be prioritised. " Have you ever had something broken and taken to get it fixed? It 100% reflects the truth properly. Some problems are easily identifiable than others. |
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" True. Mainly because that directly impacts with customers bank accounts. Pretty sure there are legal requirements to not mess with financial stuff, plus in comparison to game bugs... it would be a lot easier to QA with regression and progression testing! |
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"You are right that an individual crash report typically is likely useless for GGG. However if they do what I think they do (use quantity approach) then every report gives: 1) More quantity => more incentive to fix. 2) Potentially that one last little key detail for finding the cause. So I do not consider these useless. "These not being part of bug reports they are unlikely to have demonstrated anything about my bug reports. "If you read the text and know about Harvest Crop Rotation you should be easily able to see the wrong. "Nomancs" (who incentivized me to post the images and is also the kind of target player/poster I had in mind) had no issue recognizing the bug. "Again condescending and also wrong about me. I know exactly how these things (mis)work in many larger contemporary companies. The thing here I didnt "know" (if its even commonly used for this in your or GGGs subculture) is using the word "Business analyst" for it. "Again condescending and too simple and general to be 100% right. Apparently you are not properly knowledgable about programming. And vague descriptions without the user being able to replicate something can be enough. The monsters teleporting for example can likely be found/reproduced with just a vague description. "I got lockstep, no lag and Necromancer monsters are sometimes teleporting." This is enough information for a competent programmer to set up something. (My guess is they already know that their lockstep has bugs/issues. And likely they also have such code to detect them. Because thats the natural/obvious way for a at least somewhat competent programmer to find out if certain parts of the lockstep code work properly.) No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!
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"So you are aware of the bugginess of the game... The intent of this thread is to shine light onto this larger problem. Not to properly or improperly report individual bugs. These individual bugs are just used to show the existence of easily recognizable (and presumably also easily fixable) bugs. No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!
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" These 2 parts are integral to this thread, both, equally. Code will always have bugs, code isn't all knowing. Compare it to medicine, there are just too many variables to work in every situation. On every persons computer, in every household on the entire earth. This larger problem is that one game, no all games have bugs. But our part to get those problems fixed is to articulate which bugs are impacting you and by how much so they can be properly assessed. It's no different to a hospital, 4x people walk into a hospital. All with different injuries, they need to be assessed on how life threatening each sickness is and treat accordingly. In the IT Industry, this is known as severity. You may be aware of the events that unfolded this league (Necropolis) where players were able to craft 6 sockets. Did you see how quickly GGG jumped on that bug. Because it has a higher severity than all other bugs sitting in their backlog. |
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"Not sure what you are referring to with "2 parts". "In case this is still not clear: This thread is not about "our part". This thread is about GGGs part. "No, I didnt see. I only play SSF and dont care much about such stuff. But if you are right: Evidence that they can fix bugs if they want. The issue pointed out in this thread is that some players (me at least) are unhappy with the "but we dont want/care" part when it comes to bugs they dont consider "important". No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!
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" GGG fixing bugs is one part, the other part is users reporting the problem. There are known bugs, there are always unknown bugs. They're not visible all the time, users have to report them because we are the ultimate free paid testers of any application. " The fact this thread exists, is of the assumption that GGG never fix bugs. They do, but it's equal part implementing new features and fixing existing bugs, then also fixing the new bugs created by implementing new features. It's an endless vicious cycle, fixing some bugs can take as much time as developing new content. So it's an impossible balance. " Correct, so how do you articulate the importance of your bugs? Do you see where this leads? Your words can directly increase and decrease the importance of bugs. What is the impact of your bug? is it a bit annoying? is it game breaking? these factors can determine the important of your bug. You also have to consider the widespread nature of some bugs over others, having a singular league specific bug compared to a bug that impacts all players, in every zone - which has a higher priority? |
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"Yes there are unknown bugs. This thread is however about fixing bugs which are known to GGG or a significant part of the player base. "No, its not. I dont know how/why you would even come up with that claim. " "No idea what you are trying to say here. "No, I dont. "My impression is that you are completely missing the point of this thread still. I am unhappy with the level of effort GGG puts into fixing known bugs. There is nothing complicated to that. Its management saying "we dont care" when they could say "lets spend xyz $$$ on bug fixing". No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!
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