What Do You Think GGG's Stance is on These Bugged Items Being Made and Traded?

If you uncover an exploit in Path of Exile and abuse it for your benefit, we will ban you.

Posted by Chris
on Apr 20, 2021, 9:43:37 AMGrinding Gear Games

What's there to dispute?
I rarely post, but when I do it's important. Fighting for the player, not monsters! https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/880487

So you want say that I could abuse it and farm billion of currency and won't be banned? This is crazy I would say, I really disappointed in GGG acts.
if they deleted those bugged 6L

the 10k fire res item should also be the same treatment...
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ssvsvs wrote:
So you want say that I could abuse it and farm billion of currency and won't be banned? This is crazy I would say, I really disappointed in GGG acts.

Only if you would fidn someone stupid enough to buy it from you.
Unless GGG takes a stance at this point, the new norm of the game will 100% be to exploit everything and exploit hard: GGG won't issue a ban from breaking ToS.

IMO anyone mass producing these items should be handed hefty ban and all items fixed / deleted from the game.
WoT_Seanchan wrote:
If you uncover an exploit in Path of Exile and abuse it for your benefit, we will ban you.

Posted by Chris
on Apr 20, 2021, 9:43:37 AMGrinding Gear Games

What's there to dispute?

A small caveat: This is the same Chris Wilson who, in 2019, told us that PoE 2 was going to be an expansion to PoE 1, and that to make it a separate, independent game would fracture the playerbase. Then, four years later and with no warning, he told us that PoE Too would be a separate and independent game from PoE 1.

Plans change, or so I am told. ='[.]'=
=^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled /
=-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie
CycMarques wrote:
Unless GGG takes a stance at this point, the new norm of the game will 100% be to exploit everything and exploit hard: GGG won't issue a ban from breaking ToS.

My dude, this league had like 10 cases of super exploit. EVeryone who was able to use exploit before it was patched made insnae amount of currency and everyone else gets left behind. Did GGG do anything? No.
Exploit early, exploit fast. That was the meta for a long time.
There is also far better solution to not feel bad about constant holes and exploits here: to stop caring about poe to that extent. Trust me, you only have to try it once to realize just how perfect this solution is :)

If they add some new Standard content (really new, not a mash-up of old assets T17 are), I will come and try it. If not, got no reason to keep sitting there frantically looking for new grinding strats to get ahead of economy. Already seen all content this game has, and even trying out new builds is not appealing anymore because of how tedious is it to set everything up and craft gear. Balancing resistances alone is annoying af.
Echothesis wrote:
There is also far better solution to not feel bad about constant holes and exploits here: to stop caring about poe to that extent. Trust me, you only have to try it once to realize just how perfect this solution is :)

Yeah, not plaing game at all really helps.
This entire league has been league of exploits. No one needs to be banned or punished. Just delete the items and move on.

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