200+ Latency on all gateways

I have the same problem since 21.04. Today even more. EU-ping usually about 40. now 100-140 ..sometimes goes down to 40 but like for 5min than again 100+. My end seems to be ok .
Hey just tuning in to say I'm having the same issue.

Speedtests and other games are showing ping around 10 - 30ms but all PoE servers are 200+

tried contacting support but unfortunately they said they can't help as they are short staffed (If true it's understandable, just unfortunate)

Canada west here, usually run on texas or the Cad west servers.

Hilariously the recommended gateway it keeps giving me is japan....

Japan is at 140 ms and everywhere else is 200+ so something is definitely borked

Been like this for well over a week now so it's getting kind of old

Been having the exact same thing starting to happen after doing a single map today. 90+ ms everywhere except specifically Celestial Hideout. Swedish speedtest I use (Bredbandskollen) gave me a response time of 1ms, 500mbit down and up. Google Fiber speedtest also gave me 1ms response time.

EDIT: Now even my hideout randomly swaps between being 10ms like normal and 100ms, even after just being out of it for like a minute
Last edited by Diablo_Survivor#6083 on Apr 22, 2024, 2:34:39 PM
BUYIN 4 VPNS EXITLAG AND OTHER STUFF , NOTHING HEPING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Same on ALL Servers since today. VPN not helping. Fix it please, its unplayable right now
Hey i also have the same problem, i emailed ggg about it aswell but no tech support there. have had stats of me, my connection and whats happening when it spikes for proove that its not me but yea.... sadly seems to not be important to have stable eu servers :/ worried about poe2 when more then 10k players play on each server at a time
just jumping in here to chime in that i'm getting the same problem. canada east here. ping anywhere else is 25ms but all poe gateways are suddenly 100ms minimum (except a few eu gateways are at 98ms lol), started a few days ago, and never happened before as far as i know.
Same here. Located in Sweden. Hops from 25-100 ms. Plingplotter gives me 0 issues towards any ip. Only in PoE for some reason.
I made my own post about this just now.

Texas, US
California, US
Washington DC, US

Those are the servers I usually connect to (live in Florida). And since mid-week 2 of the league, every evenings without fail, the MS will start at 200 ms+ and sometimes ping pong over 1000 ms+ standing idle in hideout, and the sky is the limit in maps when my husband and I don't get straight up disconnected.

Mornings and afternoons are fine. Highest ping we've seen was 200 ms, and it usually hovers between 30-65 ms. It is only in the evenings.

Last Sunday also was high latency enough that we just quit playing, seeing no point in lagging to death and losing our xp (we're both past lvl 90).

Start of the league was absolutely fine.

Worst is, my husband works Wednesday to Saturday until 4h30 pm our time and by the time he comes home, the high latency makes it difficult, if not straight up impossible to play.
I posted in another thread about latency, but just wanted to add my +1 to this. Same exact issue, Canada east. Feels like it's been getting progressively worse too. Where it used to bounce back and forth between ~30-40 and ~100, it's been spending more and more time on the higher end, and now it seems to just be at a permanent ~100-120... Today I was getting a ton of rubber banding too, which wasn't happening before. Pretty annoying.
Last edited by ShoemakerSteve#0681 on Apr 22, 2024, 9:57:56 PM

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