3.24.1 Patch Notes

THIS should have been a hotfix on day 2 or 3 of the league. Nerfing it now is the worst you could do. You know what was going on since day one when parties printed hundreds of divine per map which is absolutely unacceptable for the economy especially compared to solo players who couldn't afford to do any of these methods. It's fine if parties get more loot, but not 100-1000x the amount per map. How hard can it be to figure out that it's completely busted and overtuned and ruins the whole game for 95% playerbase. GGG still incapable of running their own game after 10+ years. It seems like they just don't give a f.

Easy fix, remove HH from game, remove party bonus. That way cuck bow builds that have 0 defense investment wont be able to do content printing mirrors, and group play wont be doing 1000 times more loot than solo players. Here you might say "but then why play in group?". You still got your aura bot, which allows you to run without gear basically, and you still got your MF culler which increases your drops.

Anyway, good changes, too late tho.

I do not understand this row tho:
Fixed a bug where some Beyond Demons were not actually frozen when encased in an Essence Crystal.

How are beyond demons in essences anyway? They are not natural spawn monsters to encase them with scarab, i cant really make sense of it. Beasts used to be able to be encased in essences, but apparently no more since league start.
At least it mitigates the damage done to the standard economy when the league ends...

However, let's wait for the next exploitive interaction to be abused by the creative players (which is by no means their fault, but the result of lack of testing on developer's side). Very likely, there is something else to discover in this patch locked behind unrealistic gear...

Probably you should increase the drop rates of reliquary keys massively such that everybody gets access to things like Progenesis and Mageblood eventually... The current state of the economy is sad and - at least for me - debuffs the fun PoE used to make when playing straight forwardly.
Last edited by Probiotenmann on Apr 11, 2024, 4:33:52 AM
yeah, this game is not worth my money

bye bye
i literally just bought the scarabs and maps and the exile allflame for this strat and they removed it after all streamers got rich
thanks again for keeping ur favorite players (streamers) close, with advantages over the normal peasant players, gg ^_^!

abuse early or dont play the league at all guys. become a streamer or dont play at all.
Abuse early exploit often

This league has been a joke from A to Z, thank you for letting people snowball out of control while fucking everyone else over just like you do over and over
i literally just bought the scarabs and maps and the exile allflame for this strat and they removed it after all streamers got rich
thanks again for keeping ur favorite players (streamers) close, with advantages over the normal peasant players, gg ^_^!

abuse early or dont play the league at all guys. become a streamer or dont play at all.

There is a sad true in that. That is 1 of the reasons the game is so grindy.
They don't care for the normal player, they want to make sure streamers are entertained to play, which promotes their game for new players. But the reality is, when a new player starts to play the game, if they are not able to grind 8+ hours a day, they wont be able to progress their characters. By the time a normal person can feel some meaningful progression the league will be over. Everything is over complicated and extremely grindy.
How do you expect normal people to play your game? Of course they wont. Every time a friend ask me what game I'm playing and i say Path of Exile, when they ask if its good i tell them its the biggest trash ever, do not touch that game, it has no respect for your time at all.
Unless you are a streamer whos job is to play, or some person that doesn't need to actually work/take care of family (some oil baron or a kid) the game is not really for you.
Making a 3.24.1 fresh (sub-)League would be great

everything else, it is what it is, get over it...
Last edited by jwhell on Apr 11, 2024, 4:50:17 AM
For some reason this league didn’t work for me at all, I hope this mechanic doesn’t remain in the game
Last edited by IceApp1e on Apr 11, 2024, 4:52:08 AM
Fixed a bug where the Suspicious Rock Pets were no longer throwing rocks at players.

restored my faith in your company ggg :)
Let's just all agree that due to quantity of different mechanics in the game, GGG cannot predict all the outcomes and combinations of farming strategies thousands of players can come up with, therefore, any new league mechanic that directly imbues map content is doomed to be unbalanced upon release.
I'd better see leagues like TOTA or Sanctum, harder to abuse to the point where you can reliably get over 50 divs in a map.

Sad to see so many people straight up blaming GGG for "not doing their job", whereas GGG is one of the few companies that actually cares about it's players.

Everyone makes mistakes, deal with it.

P.S. 99% of the players who are complaining about the nerf would b*tch about not nerfing the strat anyways. Crybabies will always find something to cry about.
In reality, you still can log in, play the game, farm what you like, play the build that you like and have fun. This whole situation affecting you is just an illusion created cause of envy.

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