Please bring back Trials of The Ancestors as an endgame mechanic for PoE1 !

Lonnie455Rich wrote:

People said that about ultimatum too, we all know it was an exalts/hr in 3.14. The people that are the loudest on the internet are the divs/hr crew. Its just a fact.

Mistletoes wrote:
I love Trials of the Ancestors. Don't even have to add it to the Atlas passive tree, just re-enable Silver Coin drops. Since GGG seems to keep implementing tattoos and omens in various ways since the TOTA league, might as well have a permanent source of them through the Trials again too.

TOTA gang, rise up!! If they brought back Ultimatum, they can bring back TOTA too.

Im here since Dominus was the endgame boss, but I dont play on every league neither reach high end performance because I mainly like HC and +R modes.

My experience,

At start, ToTA looked me so... "stupid" xd

I had ZERO spectations once Trial of the Ancestors released, but I found it surprisingly fun, most considering I like to play on HC and this was a tiny "chill" time, a nice concealed place to die like a pig and nobody will know :D.

Considering how power-creeped and content-cramed the game is, this kind of slow paced side/hidden minigame hardly can break any loot equilibrium, neither inner mechanic (sanctum is a lot more disrrupting with its massive loots, and locked to certain builds... but nobody complains about).

If PoE is going to maintenance mode once PoE2 is released, I support your suggestion of trial of the ancestors being a part of it.
Last edited by Halugar#0425 on Jun 30, 2024, 7:44:35 AM
Sabranic_SilverDeth wrote:
Lonnie455Rich wrote:

People said that about ultimatum too, we all know it was an exalts/hr in 3.14. The people that are the loudest on the internet are the divs/hr crew. Its just a fact.


You can personally disagree, that's fine. It doesn't change the facts. Ultimatum was absolutely begged for by the vast majority. Then that vast majority moaned non stop about how trash it was by div/hr standards and it was shat on. The loud majority wants mechanics that crap out divines and/or t0s like sanctum and wisps. I enjoyed the tota mechanic whenever I made a build that was specifically for tota. The loudest complainers out there only care about div/hr though.

Its also possible that the ggg doesn't care about complainers. I'm all for more endgame avenues to farm. Just know I don't know if people will be finding mirrors and t0s in there like they were in tota league. If they decided to add it back.

They will probably add cc diminishing returns on the mobs and they will become immune to cc.
I'd rather get a proper MOBA pvp mode or a Card game pvp mode than TOTA, it was boring tbh, there is a reason why auto battler died, both LoL and Dota one died
WUT??? the channeling league? god no, please no!!!
3.23 was the best league of all time (an absolute banger)
AlekzZz84 wrote:
WUT??? the channeling league? god no, please no!!!

Yeah i dont understand i either lol. I mean everyone has a preference sure. But there are too many people who want this mechanic back and I´m thinking did we really play the same game in this league? I guess i just didn´t abuse bugs or the one build for this mechanic to get rewards out of it.

Either way a mechanic which needs to stand still and watch you getting stunned for seconds just to die in 1 hit or just being able to be played by 1 build is not a good design.
Last edited by TayPoE#6379 on Jul 2, 2024, 2:36:31 AM
darkilein1 wrote:
AlekzZz84 wrote:
WUT??? the channeling league? god no, please no!!!

Yeah i dont understand i either lol. I mean everyone has a preference sure. But there are too many people who want this mechanic back and I´m thinking did we really play the same game in this league? I guess i just didn´t abuse bugs or the one build for this mechanic to get rewards out of it.

Either way a mechanic which needs to stand still and watch you getting stunned for seconds just to die in 1 hit or just being able to be played by 1 build is not a good design.

Most people only want it back because its minimal effort and it gave a lot of expensive items and divines. one cool thing it did do is add a build that could be played on every class and a group of items that gained value due to the tota mechanic itself.

Even if it was a cheesy build its cool that a mechanic can do this.

Likely all the best tattoos will still be gone, and the ones we have were nerfed. Its profitability will be very limited and you wouldn't be able to spam tota like you could in tota league. I wish they would bring back the fortify and onslaught on hit tattoos.
I want it back without the cheese, it gave a nice alternative progress path where different attributes were required from characters than the normal ones. I found that interesting personally and the whole thing was only spoiled by a combination of a lazy~ish method of scaling and the communities obsession with breaking everything.

But I have also specced Ultimatum soon as they brought it back and kept it, not been disappointed with the introduction of that back in at all so i'm probably a wierdo as I do think the majority wanted currency rain as ^ suggests :p
I see that latest Settlers of Kalguur teaser GGG. Strange new encounters in T16 and T17 maps? Give us TOTA!!
I enjoyed the mechanic for the nice change of pace. It was fun building up a good team and horse-trading the equipment for better units.

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