Please bring back Trials of The Ancestors as an endgame mechanic for PoE1 !

I could get down for some TOTA but they'd have to make a lot of changes to it because it was way too build restrictive. A lot of playstyles were completely worthless in TOTA. After a certain rank I could not play righteous fire period because the mobs would turn off my health regen and steal my flask charges. Literally could not play that character in tota after a certain point. That was super lame. Also wasn't a fan of that one cheiftain doing the off screen arena wide earthquake that would one shot all friendly totems every time he did it. That was super lame as well.

Cool idea, but it was implemented very poorly because they always have to fixate on "game hard game hard game MUST be hard" and I found it to be a janky annoying unfair mess after you got too high in the ranking. I just stopped playing the league and simply sold the coins.
We got Tower Defense with Blight and Roguelike with Sanctum, bring back Autobattler with Trials of the Ancestors!!
TOTA forever.
<3 TotA
That would be great. Hope to see ToTa back
We got Sanctum as a separate mechanic to the end game with just the Forbidden Tomes. Let's do the same with TOTA - just a Silver Coin (random drop out there just like the Tomes) and we're good to go!
Would be delighted to have Tota back !!
I dissagre. TOTA is garbage to me.

Just make sure you make Void Sphere defunct in it first, GGG.

D4 bad
• Fo shizzle ma nizzle

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