Worst league ever !

Aynix wrote:
ZenJelly wrote:
A lot of sweating and redditimg going on in here.

ACtually way less than usual.

deathspenalty wrote:
Some people in this thread really need to be hired by GGG as testers. Considering they managed too fully unravel and understand all nuances of a league that has at least 3 layers interacting with each other shows their prowess, and all that in less than 2 days! /s

Again, like clockwork. People think they understand the inns and outs of a league in 2 days. All this vitriol does is drown out legitimate criticism and feedback that GGG could actually react too.

It not about understanding and fully "unravel" all secrets. Its about being so shit and boring that no one wants to bother understading it and finding its secrets.

YOu list all leagues that you couldnt opt out. Have you noticed something? Last one was in 2018. 6 years ago. Wanna know why?

I was kind of surprised myself at this. Really though I think it took a day for people to realize they were not the only ones having a bad time. I don't think the mechanic not as annoying to me as Archnemisis because you get to see what's coming a little bit. My problem is nearly all of the monsters have mods on them and you can't do anything about it when the mods you get you know are too hard for you to do.

I feel like the mechanic has the potential to be good, but the graveyard on the other hand, that can go completely. Looks cool and I know someone worked hard on that, but the whole graveyard system is such a slog that waste so much of your time.

It's like getting a vaal orb added to every map but can pick and chose what mods go to what. This only works well though for people who have and extensive knowledge of the monsters. I don't even have and extensive knowledge of the crafting system and they want me to know exactly what each monster does?

I decided to play a Jorgen delve build this league due to the cost of the gear being way cheaper for mid game. Had I known this league was going to be so full of super strong monsters, I would have played a different kind. This build takes channeling, and you don't want to be anywhere close to some of these mobs. I was watching Jorgen the other day being one shot over and over in a map by an empowered league mechanic, and that guy makes damn tanky builds.
Last edited by Valkaneer#5171 on Mar 31, 2024, 2:56:15 PM
Tell me you are playing Archnemesis without telling me you are playing Archnemesis.

On every single map! Also in the campaign. What a great decision -.-

Crafting is way to slow and boring and no QoL on this too.
Most of the time I play and say nothing. But GGG wants us to play AN if we want it or not.

Please GGG, make a system like Delve for AN, oh wait, think about Ruthless. How many player play this mode? Yeah, like nobody. So take your garbage AN and delete it.

Harder isn't in every case better.

Saw the mechanic. "Plug 'em and plant 'em" seemed fiddly as hell. Mebbe the next league will be better *shrugs.* =9[.]9=
=^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled /
=-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie
Have to agree, this is hands down the worst Xpac ever. Been here since Alpha and there is so little content here this may as well have been an update for standard players. The grave is a waste of time and offers nothing. Actual travesty I took a few days off for this. PoE staff should be ashamed.
PoE 1 is the best. PoE 2 is something.
Tell me you are playing Archnemesis without telling me you are playing Archnemesis.

Curiosly i tried to play again after some skips (Baldur's gate 3 and currently Last Epoch), my first thought after 2 hours was "o god... archnemesis again, this guys never learn?" So...... Last Epoch for the win.
Last edited by MildorDArkehn#7296 on Mar 31, 2024, 3:59:49 PM
Its also a concern for next league.

Mark is likely to design it for the 10% end game players again. Not the majority of the playerbase.

Pay attention as Mark wants players to do is work.
Not fun game.

Going out with a few buddies, that is fun as you dont need to pay attention.

He cant change his mind about his design choices.
(he can prove me wrong but I doubt that)

he set a course that means I am likely to quit playing poe after 12 years...That is my concern after supporting the game that its now work instead of fun blasting away.

feels like a slap in the face really
Can’t wait for the cracked items that are going to come from this league when folks grind the level 83 crafts and figure out how to replace the existing mobs in maps with the broken ones that explode loot.

Happens every single league.

I personally am enjoying the harder puzzle of getting a build online and I am playing some real meta BS….in SSF.
I was eating popcorn while reading all ur comments and it makes me happy to see people having the same opinion about this disaster league.

Some people even used ther hollidays for this..GGG should indeed be ashamed !

We can conclude thos league is ASS !..a smelly one indeed !

The only thing that is left is the T17 maps to try out.

This is me playing this league !
Last edited by Hyberpsycrow#1243 on Mar 31, 2024, 4:15:16 PM
Holy yall are dramatic. A slap in the face? Ggg should be ashamed? Really guys?

I'd love to see some sorting / categorizing of the corpses in the drop down menu when you're burying them. Yea it's not perfect, it's also day 2. But this is far from the worst league.
cacmeister wrote:
Can’t wait for the cracked items that are going to come from this league when folks grind the level 83 crafts and figure out how to replace the existing mobs in maps with the broken ones that explode loot.

Happens every single league.

I personally am enjoying the harder puzzle of getting a build online and I am playing some real meta BS….in SSF.

No doubt this will happen but as always it'll be a few hundred or a thousand people doing it, brute forcing by sitting in TFT, and RMT, playing a meta game that has almost nothing to do with playing an ARPG.

leaving almost the entire playerbase out of your games balancing choices is a funny way to run a game IMO.
Pandering to players who don't want consequences for their mistakes is a perfect description of what went fundamentally wrong with D3 and 4.
If they wanted mindless mobile game time waster gameplay they sure did make some perplexing choices and marketing statements for 6 fucking years.

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