Worst league ever !

cursorTarget wrote:

Well, that's not difficult. I heard only one streamer left, kreap or kreep whatever his nickname. Moreover he didn't create any reddit posts. You just can join poe category on Twitch and see the numbers. Streamers are happy.

I seriously don't understand what it proves? That streamers who almost exclusively stream PoE will stop streaming PoE at the very start of a fresh league only because the league sucks? Never happened and never will happen. Kripp stopped because PoE is not his main game, and PoE is relatively small part of his streaming content.

Kripp and Lily made videos with an open critique about this league, but it doesn't mean the rest streamers are happy with it. For example, Zizarans stream yesterday was titled something like 'League saved' and Quin also had something along those lines. Also Zizaran's latest video is titled 'GGG IMMEDIATELY FIXED the League!!' which again means that the league was broken if it needs fixing. Also taking a quick look at current PoE streams, quite a few have titles along the lines 'New Patch waiting room'.
cursorTarget wrote:
Lyutsifer665 wrote:
i watched a streamer chain run t17's for insane profit. i guess that is what the league is all about. yet again they make content for the 1% only. if you cant farm those maps then the league basically feels like standard

If people enjoy to watch streamers and praise them, why not? You guys constantly referring to them as a measure of PoE success. They play poe, they like it. In addition Steam stats can't lie. Your opinion is more like a noise for GGG. If the league was bad, a lot of streamers would complain about it. But at this moment they are satisfied excepting very few ones.

I suggest you to buy supporter pack. It will make the game better.

Name ONE streamer who was satisfied with the league. LEAGUE, not the game. Ingoring everything that Nekropolis did not add (scarabas, T17), so only things that are not available on standard. Name one streamer who likes it.
Last edited by Aynix#7757 on Apr 2, 2024, 9:06:58 AM
Out of the League mechanics I played (Methamorph, Delirium, Heist, Ritual, Expedition, Scoruge, Archnemisis, Sentinel, Affliction) Necropolis is the one which I dislike the most!
esostaks wrote:

I seriously don't understand what it proves?

...but it doesn't mean the rest streamers are happy with it...

It proves the success of the current league. If people don't like it, why do they still play it? As I told. It's not the best but still good. PoE in its history had worse leagues than this one.

if you (or someone else) don't like it - don't play it. Pretty simple and clear. Only numbers reflect the real state of the game. You can always check poedb for the fresh statistical data.
Last edited by cursorTarget#1174 on Apr 2, 2024, 9:43:41 AM
Aynix wrote:
cursorTarget wrote:
Lyutsifer665 wrote:
i watched a streamer chain run t17's for insane profit. i guess that is what the league is all about. yet again they make content for the 1% only. if you cant farm those maps then the league basically feels like standard

If people enjoy to watch streamers and praise them, why not? You guys constantly referring to them as a measure of PoE success. They play poe, they like it. In addition Steam stats can't lie. Your opinion is more like a noise for GGG. If the league was bad, a lot of streamers would complain about it. But at this moment they are satisfied excepting very few ones.

I suggest you to buy supporter pack. It will make the game better.

Name ONE streamer who was satisfied with the league. LEAGUE, not the game. Ingoring everything that Nekropolis did not add (scarabas, T17), so only things that are not available on standard. Name one streamer who likes it.

Yeah, I don't remember seeing one single streamer say that the league is good or that it doesn't need a big buff to both reward structure as well as QoL when interacting with the morgue.

However, everyone seems very satisfied with the general changes to the game like having extra Atlas passive trees, the rework of extra content, master missions etc. (that shit keeps me playing)

Really shows how different fiction is from reality where haters keep yapping that content creators are all shills while often they are the harshest critics of the game. And clearly it has an influence because those changes are coming, and hopefully soon
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
ArtCrusade wrote:

Yeah, I don't remember seeing one single streamer say that the league is good or that it doesn't need a big buff to both reward structure as well as QoL when interacting with the morgue.

But shitting on the game and keep playing it simultaneously doesn't look as mature position.

Everything is good except maybe removing the ability to bind the skill and movement at the same button but it's not big deal.
Lyutsifer665 wrote:
even kripp quit the league on day 2 and he's one of the OG ARPG streamers.
Honestly people overvalue that guys opinion on the game. He might have been relevant a decade ago but that's it. Wasn't he also playing Ruthless this league? Imagine signing up for hardmode and then complaining that you're not getting stuff and that it ain't fun.

In any case take anything streamers say with a grain of salt and decide for yourself if you're liking the league or not.
cursorTarget wrote:
ArtCrusade wrote:

Yeah, I don't remember seeing one single streamer say that the league is good or that it doesn't need a big buff to both reward structure as well as QoL when interacting with the morgue.

But shitting on the game and keep playing it simultaneously doesn't look as mature position.

Everything is good except maybe removing the ability to bind the skill and movement at the same button but it's not big deal.

Are they just supposed to stop streaming and give up their income stream? Everyone knows that if you hate your job you don’t quit, just bitch and moan and make everyone else miserable also. Someone like Quin probably gets more viewers when he’s crying about something anyway.
cursorTarget wrote:
ArtCrusade wrote:

Yeah, I don't remember seeing one single streamer say that the league is good or that it doesn't need a big buff to both reward structure as well as QoL when interacting with the morgue.

But shitting on the game and keep playing it simultaneously doesn't look as mature position.

Everything is good except maybe removing the ability to bind the skill and movement at the same button but it's not big deal.

There is a world of a difference between "shitting on the game" and criticising the game in a constructive manner. Do I really have to explain that to you?
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
I think that the upcoming changes can make this league OK+. Every league can't be a winner for everyone, at least if the goal is to make leagues different from one another.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.

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