Ban appeal time?

It looks like they went on vacation and left the autoban going on without any criteria!
Hi, i have my main account banned from nowere, i was on a map and BOM, ban

Already 3 days passed, no answer, any admin can help? thanks.

Hello maaaayby [Removed by Support] ring a bell ? :>
Just like so many other people who use that program and in this league give HUUUUUGE ADVANTAGE .
But OFC no one will say honestly after BAN they were using it huh ? :>
Mayby your BAN is random or mayby not.
TRUTH is if you dont know the reason
[Removed by Support] is the reason if you were using it :>
Last edited by Drew_GGG on Dec 23, 2023, 9:39:02 AM
Echothesis wrote:
One thing always bewildered me in their ban policy: if they are "working through a large number of support requests", why on earth they keep their autoban system running? If you know you have overhead on appeals for a few weeks, why still make more and more people sit in the ban with 0 information?

Even if they all actually did malicious things, and you can actually prove it, let them play for a few more days, and get to them later when you reduce the request queue. This won't change the big picture, but will greatly help with false positives, because people could get their appeals sorted quicker and without having to stress about it for weeks.

Because 99% of the bans going out are them playing whack-a-mole with RMT farming and sale bots.

And when it comes to actual human cheaters if they pause for weeks during league start it becomes possible for people who only play a few weeks per league to cheat the entire time and then just create a new burner account for the next one and do the same again.
Did you ever see history portrayed as an old man with a wise brow and pulseless heart, weighing all things in the balance of reason?
Is not rather the genius of history like an eternal, imploring maiden, full of fire, with a burning heart and flaming soul, humanly warm and humanly beautiful?
Last edited by Summoner on Dec 23, 2023, 1:13:02 PM
Summoner wrote:
Echothesis wrote:
One thing always bewildered me in their ban policy: if they are "working through a large number of support requests", why on earth they keep their autoban system running? If you know you have overhead on appeals for a few weeks, why still make more and more people sit in the ban with 0 information?

Even if they all actually did malicious things, and you can actually prove it, let them play for a few more days, and get to them later when you reduce the request queue. This won't change the big picture, but will greatly help with false positives, because people could get their appeals sorted quicker and without having to stress about it for weeks.

Because 99% of the bans going out are them playing whack-a-mole with RMT farming and sale bots.

And when it comes to actual human cheaters if they pause for weeks during league start it becomes possible for people who only play a few weeks per league to cheat the entire time and then just create a new burner account for the next one and do the same again.

Well if we are talking only about GGG's precious races and temp leagues, yeah, makes sense. But first, their own bugs and every-time-overtuned-again balance messes with economy and people's league start at least on the same scale that cheaters could have.

Not sure RMT shop owners view league starts as profitable time and place, what's the point? Should they seek for buyers who are willing to RMT just to do 40/40 earlier? Not many of those in existence. And if you mean bots supposed to farm early currency, this may get complicated by new league mechanics, it takes time to fix the bot.

Second, such hasty investigations leave even more doubts about false positives. If they seriously try to control everything during and for the sake of league start, this is exactly the situation where you decide to ban based on 1-2 suspicious trades, without any statistics.

Third, people willing to use burner accounts are hurt least by the bans, if at all. If GGG could hunt them without collateral damage, cool, but so far it seems banwaves do more harm than good. I was also banned for a false reason once, so it is definitely possible.
Echothesis wrote:

Not sure RMT shop owners view league starts as profitable time and place, what's the point? Should they seek for buyers who are willing to RMT just to do 40/40 earlier? Not many of those in existence. And if you mean bots supposed to farm early currency, this may get complicated by new league mechanics, it takes time to fix the bot.

10x more people playing at league start means 10x more potential customers. Especially since more of them will be short the items needed to complete their build.

League mechanics like this are irrelevant to bots. They just run cheap MF gear in act 10 or low tier maps, and completely ignore it while collecting currency and uniques. Old leagues like Anarchy (rogue Exiles), Domination (shrines), Talisman, Warbands, and Bestiary would have been much harder since they added some very rippy mechanics to the game that were prespawned on the map.

Echothesis wrote:

Second, such hasty investigations leave even more doubts about false positives. If they seriously try to control everything during and for the sake of league start, this is exactly the situation where you decide to ban based on 1-2 suspicious trades, without any statistics.

I don't deny that false positives do harm to the game. OTOH on platforms where GMs do respond to protests publicly I know at least some of the people who're loudly saying they did nothing wrong will have collected massive numbers of warnings and temporary suspensions before finally earning a permaban. From the outside it's impossible to tell if people complaining about getting bans are innocent victims or not even excluding cases where it's ambiguous. ie one botter filling a guild stash with free stuff of which they only take a small share could be one person trying to conceal what they're doing or a group of people all of whom are aware of what's going in.

I think GGG's remaining silent is a mistake, willful cheaters know what they're doing wrong, and [Removed by Support] edits are enough to let anyone who isn't aware that cheat software exists. At which point a simple Google will find it; while explicitly saying you were banned for using tool X because it can violate the TOS by doing Y is an explicit warning to anyone who was unsure that X isn't allowed.

Echothesis wrote:

Third, people willing to use burner accounts are hurt least by the bans, if at all. If GGG could hunt them without collateral damage, cool, but so far it seems banwaves do more harm than good. I was also banned for a false reason once, so it is definitely possible.

People running burner accounts may have less to lose, but fast bans are also the only way GGG can deter them at all. Nuking them a day after they got 100D from an RMT to gear up is a threat. Hitting them 3 weeks later when they've already gotten to enjoy the league and build and are playing at lot less or no longer at all isn't going to do anything.
Did you ever see history portrayed as an old man with a wise brow and pulseless heart, weighing all things in the balance of reason?
Is not rather the genius of history like an eternal, imploring maiden, full of fire, with a burning heart and flaming soul, humanly warm and humanly beautiful?

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