Transfigured Gems Part 4

awesome job guys
The Frenzy Transfiguration is a strait downgrade unless you have 5 or 6 minimum frenzy charges, or your only goal is to get a movement buff.

Anything that consumes all your frenzy charges, when you rely on frenzy charges for dps like Frenzy does, is a downgrade. Phase Run gives 30% more damage but it is a downgrade in dps because it eats all current charges.

Maybe it should only eat 1 charge?

nah, it is like additional freedom instead of minmax opportunity
Mage skeles rework doesn't seem good but we'll see with quality rework. But at least I'm not left in the dark with anxiety like POHX. Poor guy going to wake up this morning disappointed again. Either he's going to drink another box of coffee or eat a box of donuts. COPIUM for the RF guys.
felrasha wrote:
The Frenzy Transfiguration is a strait downgrade unless you have 5 or 6 minimum frenzy charges, or your only goal is to get a movement buff.

Anything that consumes all your frenzy charges, when you rely on frenzy charges for dps like Frenzy does, is a downgrade. Phase Run gives 30% more damage but it is a downgrade in dps because it eats all current charges.

Maybe it should only eat 1 charge?

Use the changed Ralakesh Impatience.

Not the best option for Frenzy since increasing max charges by one is superior to onslaught. However the boots could be decent for Phase Run.
I'm not gonna league start with this build, but....

WHERE RF?(poor Pohx, kappa!)
3.13 Was the best league ever!
3.18 Rest in peace my beloved recombinators, I'm gonna miss you...
WAY to murder ball lightning of static before it was a reality. Damn that sucks, giving it a cooldown is destroying any use it has
Where is Transfigured RF
1 day before league start and we still don't have the rf gem smiley face :)
how are we supposed to do our pobs if we don't have the info? do something about it ggg, it's becoming annoying.
koreec499beta wrote:
The Frenzy Transfiguration is a strait downgrade unless you have 5 or 6 minimum frenzy charges, or your only goal is to get a movement buff.

Anything that consumes all your frenzy charges, when you rely on frenzy charges for dps like Frenzy does, is a downgrade. Phase Run gives 30% more damage but it is a downgrade in dps because it eats all current charges.

Maybe it should only eat 1 charge?

nah, it is like additional freedom instead of minmax opportunity

Not really a big freedom opportunity either. A frenzy build will likely have a movement bonus per frenzy charge. Removing those charges will be a marginal speed increase if not a speed loss.

I guess it could open something up for a build that doesn't have any "per frenzy" bonuses, but that would seem unlikely to me.

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