Bloodnotch Combo does not work

LoTharios wrote:
no i havent.

Here is a short clip.
After i switched some gear suddenly i can see some recovery.
But surely far from 55%.
When i run yellow maps im constantly stunned but my health goes down rapidly, even with all flasks and res capped.

So something is wrong when i see vids like this:

He is using Petrified Blood with recoup and you are clearly losing less health as soon as you use Progenesis.

If you take 100 damage hit and a 60% bloodnotch triggers you lose 40hp on your screen (technically you lose 100 then gain 60)
Petrified blood takes 40 damage but you lose it over 4 seconds.
Progenesis with 0% flask effect is 25 damage.
PB and Progensis are multiplicative (After petrified blood takes 40% damage, Progenesis takes 25% OF THE REMAINING 60)
So if you want this "cool looking streamer effect" where your hp bar dont move after hit you must use a 60% bloodnotch and a 40% petrified blood or a progenesis with 60% flask effect (25+60%=40) and then you must get 40% of damage taken recouped to counter the 40% you would lost over 4 seconds from progenesis and PB (technically less from PB but whatever).

I tested bloodnotch extensively and it works fine. You are using block and seem to be biased, just expected more from the streamer bait maybe. Immutable force is actually a good jewel to get easy stun immunity. But Bloodnotch is not that good because recovery is not a issue with instaleech and life gain on hit. Especially on molten strike. And contrary to popular belief Bloodnotch does nothing for your defenses. It doesnt make you more tanky at all. It gives you recovery, thats it. In a meta where people glady traded all their life regen to Kaom's Spirit to the point they had to get nerfed, Bloodnotch is not even worth a single Jewel slot.
You are right, i expected too much.
I read a few topics with claims like "fully hit immunity" and such that spiked my hope for a cheap unkillable buld.

BimboBoy1994 wrote:
Bloodnotch is not even worth a single Jewel slot.

I came to the same conclusion at least for this build.
Already got rid of it.

Thank you!
Im bad at math.

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