The Bosses and Monsters of Path of Exile 2

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Orca_Orcinus wrote:
Nobody, and I mean nobody is going to play a forced Ruthless mode.

Action games are about applying knowledge + drops to overcome obstacles.

Literally no game gets better when implementing a solution to obstacles takes much, much longer than it previously did.

Diablo4 took 20+ years to develop, based on a slowed-down loop- it failed miserably because low-end trending is impossible to make fun.

The outliers have to be huge to overcome boredom and staleness.

Every designer ever worth his salt has discovered that outliers can be fewer and farrer between if the lows aren't that low.

PoE is headed for disaster. Nobody will play a no-dopamine version of an action game, ain't happenin'

Says who? You? You don't speak for everyone.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Orca_Orcinus wrote:
Nobody, and I mean nobody is going to play a forced Ruthless mode

You’ll be saying this all the way up to PoE2 release, never realizing that it’s based on an utter falsehood. PoE2 may scale things back a little - but it sure as fuck won’t be ruthless mode lol.
Can't wait!
"For we are not now that strength, which in old days moved Earth and Heaven. That which we are, we are; one equal strength of heroic hearts, made weak by time and fate, but strong in will: to strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield." - Ulysses, Tennyson
cant wait.
Ok, we had n exile con, now we can wait 5 year more until we get a new info about poe 2!
Melee build stay weak in poe 2.
I think Chris hate melee and he loves bows, my man, i love bows too!
We can stun and freeze bosses until players find the opportunity to make builds through these mechanics, and then its will be nerfed, we had all this in poe1.

But poe 2 looks amazing, really amazing, but too slow, i don like a play style like in Diablo games. Cause in end game your drop are so poor and u need to run a hunderts of maps to do profit, that is a big problemm of poe 2. My thoughts about this.
DichotomousThree wrote:
Orca_Orcinus wrote:
Nobody, and I mean nobody is going to play a forced Ruthless mode

You’ll be saying this all the way up to PoE2 release, never realizing that it’s based on an utter falsehood. PoE2 may scale things back a little - but it sure as fuck won’t be ruthless mode lol.

You do realize that everything almost universally and passionately hated that's been done in POE1 over the past few years came directly from attempts to align with POE2 or test things out for it, right?

Ruthless with gold was an experiment specifically for POE2's gold system, and POE2 seems to have the exact same issues which were quite apparent in that experiment. Say goodbye to vendor recipes, and currency shards; you can safely expect your first transmute halfway through the campaign and your first alchemy orb somewhere around early maps. Get used to running uncrafted maps because just alch'ing and chiseling your maps in POE2 will be fairly high end map juicing. Can't afford to reroll your maps in POE2 anyway, there are no scours and chaos orbs are basically annul+exalt in POE2.

Archnemesis is not just in its original and terrible form in POE2, it's actually worse than what we got in POE1, even normal (i.e. non-magic, non-rare) mobs have AN modifiers, and they're actual AN modifiers, not the current broken up still-not-fun-but-at-least-tolerable stuff we have now. (Though I suppose to be fair, at least cyclic DR existing at all as a modifier makes some small bit of sense in POE2, unlike in POE1, b/c of the weapon swap passive thing.) I'd also expect POE2's AN loot works like the original system rather than what we have currently, after repeated attempts by the POE1 devs to fix that awful system. The skeleton crew maintaining POE1 probably deserve a lot more praise than they typically get given all the garbage ported from POE2 they've managed to at least make bearable.

The 3.15 nerfs, including the changes to flasks (which were since reverted for utility flasks b/c they were awful), were all to align with POE2.

I think it's safe to say there is no flask automation in POE2; I don't think the POE2 game director even knows about the existence of instilling and enkindling orbs because he's said he doesn't follow POE1 development. For that very reason, expect just about every bit of QoL we've gotten over the past 4+ years in POE1 to not be in POE2.

There are no utility flasks in POE2, at least not as we know them in POE1.

The "utility" flasks just do what the POE1 reactive flask modifiers on life and mana flasks do (and utility flasks did for some time thanks to 3.15), so they do literally nothing most of the time, they only remove conditions and provide immunities if used while already being affected by the thing they're supposed to counter-act.

And what even is the point of all the 6-links in POE2 when all supports at best provide no damage, and at worst reduce your damage?

POE2 might not be quite as bad as Ruthless w/Gold, maybe, because it'll at least be balanced against itself rather than POE1, but it's definitely going to be much much closer to a Ruthless w/Gold experience than it is to a "toned down" POE experience.
Fairgraves was a slave trafficker specialized in the kidnapping and transport of children. He was not "a good man".

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