We won't be able to play our PoE 1 Standard characters on PoE 2?

MLGonthorian wrote:
They said explicitly in Exilecon 1 that we could play our PoE 1 characters on PoE 2. I thought they would keep their word. :/

As far as I remember the idea then was that you'd pick between playing PoE1 or 2 campaign when creating a new character and then the maps endgame would be the same. So I don't think you would have been able to go through PoE2 content on existing characters even if they stuck to the original plan since presumably you already went through PoE1 campaign on them.
Last edited by oblomir on Jul 30, 2023, 5:11:33 AM
MLGonthorian wrote:
I get we are a minority but so much time went into making builds with legacy gear and not having to worry about rerolling a character and dealing with the trading system again.

Can't there be some compromise so we can still play our PoE 1 characters we worked on for PoE 2?

They said explicitly in Exilecon 1 that we could play our PoE 1 characters on PoE 2. I thought they would keep their word. :/

Maybe it makes sense on second thought if the pacing of PoE 2 is completely different and not as fast but it feels odd not being able to experience PoE 2 with previous characters we've made.

They changed their minds, at the time 2019 they thought they could do it but realized, no to much work to fix poe1.

mtx be transferable though, so something

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