FalkenRaiding wrote:
Riverwind77 wrote:
"we are breaking the streak in order to focus on Exilecon"
Pretty sure they have absolutely nothing to announce and thats an excuse, they wont stop receiving negative feeedback and they dont know how to handle it so the best option is to hide from it.
Posting news would spend like... 30 minutes? that's not even daily, and they dont have time for that? suuuuuure hahaha
Lets do our best showing our discomfort with GGG at exilecon, they NEED to realise whats the current state of the game.
Even if i get misteriously censored, we still have Twitch, Youtube or Steam as multiple ways of communicate ;)
Jesus, how mad are you at GGG?
Just because YOU don't like whatever it is that made YOU so mad, doesn't mean that the "current state of the game" is bad. Many of us enjoy this game alot!
Get some perspective and stop projecting forum/reddit posts onto the entire player base.
Our wallets talk louder than your shit-posts ;)
That they can't seem to afford a second social media employee indicates how people's wallets have been talking doesn't it?
Posted bytigerct#6101on Jul 11, 2023, 9:06:14 PM
I am actually traveling to NZ for this. I cannot describe the excitement so I'll just say c u soon.
Posted byEvobound#4704on Jul 11, 2023, 9:18:48 PM
Riverwind77 wrote:
"we are breaking the streak in order to focus on Exilecon"
Pretty sure they have absolutely nothing to announce and thats an excuse, they wont stop receiving negative feeedback and they dont know how to handle it so the best option is to hide from it.
Posting news would spend like... 30 minutes? that's not even daily, and they dont have time for that? suuuuuure hahaha
Lets do our best showing our discomfort with GGG at exilecon, they NEED to realise whats the current state of the game.
Even if i get misteriously censored, we still have Twitch, Youtube or Steam as multiple ways of communicate ;)
Ever tried talkimg to somebody?
Posted byDer_Fraggle#5958on Jul 11, 2023, 11:39:08 PM
MTX advertisements are not "News Posts", GGG.
Posted byAdambjjoz#2403on Jul 12, 2023, 12:21:48 AM
Adambjjoz wrote:
MTX advertisements are not "News Posts", GGG.
Just since i understand it's apparently really hard for some people to work this out, this is mostly not MTX posts at all, the occasional sale announcement, but in general...
It is all the news posts. You can see them all here:
You can keep going back through the pages and you'll see the amount of them that even vaguely MTX related is low.
Posted bySelvon#5907on Jul 12, 2023, 1:06:36 AM
The world's most unnecessary apology. We're excited that you're breaking tradition! We know how exciting Exilecon is going to be, you don't gotta say anything. The game is too difficult for there to be any stupid people standing around wondering why there's less news in the week leading up!
Posted byWinkers91#2848on Jul 12, 2023, 1:30:01 AM
no news are the new news ;)
Posted byodds#2938on Jul 12, 2023, 2:13:24 AM
not that anyone cares about 90% of the news anyway
Posted byFaceman165#9404on Jul 12, 2023, 3:32:37 AM
Only 16 days left..

Death is only the beginning..
\\ Only HC Ruthless mode player. //
appreciate you GGG!
Posted byJunkie76#3674on Jul 12, 2023, 4:16:18 AM