As a new player who has also played Warframe before, I am not afraid of complex game content, but I hope to have a good game tutorial!!! I don't mind studying like in class, but at least I need to get the textbook!!!
Posted byDBWKH#0061on Jun 12, 2023, 11:20:07 PM
Nerié wrote:
I'm getting anxiety irl and this is not a joke or a meme, this is my favorite game and i finally stopped playing league of legends (toxic trash game) but if they going to rework the gameplay like in lost ark or diablo 4 and they make slow and boring the endgame i don't know what i going to do, but i'm really scared. I want to play zoom zoom in POE2 please community manager or someone, tell us whats gonna happen, i'm losing my mind until july 29
you are scared and have anxiety because of a video game? wow
Posted bydachoppa#6765on Jun 13, 2023, 12:55:47 AM
DaedraMurderer wrote:
Nerié wrote:
I'm getting anxiety irl and this is not a joke or a meme, this is my favorite game and i finally stopped playing league of legends (toxic trash game) but if they going to rework the gameplay like in lost ark or diablo 4 and they make slow and boring the endgame i don't know what i going to do, but i'm really scared. I want to play zoom zoom in POE2 please community manager or someone, tell us whats gonna happen, i'm losing my mind until july 29
Same here, dw, if they make it slow af probably they wont shut down poe1, I dont see possible having the game being slow af and not having the alternative existing
poe1 and 2 are the same endgame, just a different campaign
Posted bydachoppa#6765on Jun 13, 2023, 12:57:27 AM
ShaddixAcc wrote:
What means "Area is Alluring"?
it's a very rare mod for sextants.
area gives more exp, 10% iirc and also has the insanity mod that gives some effects but not all are known.
never played for my self so i can't recommend what to do
Posted byxabierus#3284on Jun 13, 2023, 5:37:58 AM
HyterPan wrote:
Nerié wrote:
I'm getting anxiety irl and this is not a joke or a meme, this is my favorite game and i finally stopped playing league of legends (toxic trash game) but if they going to rework the gameplay like in lost ark or diablo 4 and they make slow and boring the endgame i don't know what i going to do, but i'm really scared. I want to play zoom zoom in POE2 please community manager or someone, tell us whats gonna happen, i'm losing my mind until july 29
Well they pretty much said sometimes ago poe 2 is leaning toward a slower gameplay and not too zooming like it was in poe 1 where just 1 button you pretty much kill the whole monsters packs on the whole screen.But we don't know yet how slow it's gonna be,let's just COPIUM together
The issue with LA and D4 seems more to stem from the fact that you are walking around to actually get to play the game / do the fighting. Even if PoE2 is slower as in more methodical in doing the killing (which I believe would be a good thing if the game itself supports it) they would have to give up the map system to make it as boring as D4. Don't think that will happen.
Posted bySerdoa#4867on Jun 13, 2023, 6:31:03 AM
when reddit goes dark
Posted byjohnolmann#6616on Jun 13, 2023, 12:34:37 PM
Nerié wrote:
I'm getting anxiety irl and this is not a joke or a meme, this is my favorite game and i finally stopped playing league of legends (toxic trash game) but if they going to rework the gameplay like in lost ark or diablo 4 and they make slow and boring the endgame i don't know what i going to do, but i'm really scared. I want to play zoom zoom in POE2 please community manager or someone, tell us whats gonna happen, i'm losing my mind until july 29
Hopefully they will make the gameplay more engaging yes
Posted byGrimChu#1264on Jun 14, 2023, 4:16:25 AM
DaedraMurderer wrote:
Nerié wrote:
I'm getting anxiety irl and this is not a joke or a meme, this is my favorite game and i finally stopped playing league of legends (toxic trash game) but if they going to rework the gameplay like in lost ark or diablo 4 and they make slow and boring the endgame i don't know what i going to do, but i'm really scared. I want to play zoom zoom in POE2 please community manager or someone, tell us whats gonna happen, i'm losing my mind until july 29
Same here, dw, if they make it slow af probably they wont shut down poe1, I dont see possible having the game being slow af and not having the alternative existing
What do you mean they won't shut down poe1? Poe2 and Poe1 are the same game, its just a major update/overhaul. Any core/system changes happening for the 4.0 expansion will affect the entire game
Posted byByteBlaze#6369on Jun 14, 2023, 10:54:34 AM
1) Does gain damage and damage conversion have any interaction with circumstantial added damage? Say, for instance, I curse an enemy with Poacher's Mark which adds flat physical damage to hits against the marked target, but also have gain 15% of physical damage as fire, and 60% physical damage converted to fire. Is there any sort of interaction there?
2) Do passives that grant "increased damage with <weapon type>" also increase damage dealt by traps? (Blade Trap, Trap Support)
3) Does Elemental Hit have any positive synergy with Heatshiver, and can ignites inflicted on enemies deal any damage when using Elemental Hit, and it chooses a non-fire element?
4) Are the explosions from Ice Trap separate, or just visual and Ice Trap is just one big AOE?
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Posted byI_am_Upset#2098on Jun 18, 2023, 11:02:14 AM