Nerié wrote:
I'm getting anxiety irl and this is not a joke or a meme, this is my favorite game and i finally stopped playing league of legends (toxic trash game) but if they going to rework the gameplay like in lost ark or diablo 4 and they make slow and boring the endgame i don't know what i going to do, but i'm really scared. I want to play zoom zoom in POE2 please community manager or someone, tell us whats gonna happen, i'm losing my mind until july 29
You'll be able to zoom. The trailers and teasers are slower than Boomer Zoomer gameplay because Boomer Zoomer gameplay isn't watchable to non-Zoomers - the character moves so fast and transitions between actions so quickly that nobody who isn't a Zoomer has any clue whatsoever what's going on. The screen is just a slideshow of explosions nobody can make any sense of unless they've spent years building up an immunity to iocane powder their Zoomer Sense.
The trailers and teasers are slower because that lets Grinding Gear show off its slick new animations, character rigging, environments, and other overhauls where a Boomer Zoomer run wouldn't show off anything but a blur of exploding packs. They can't market the game with Zoomer gameplay, but that doesn't mean they'll be eliminating Boomer Zoomers. They can't. Even if the game slows down some, Path of Exile will always be significantly to drastically faster than games like Diablows Mour because Path gives the player so much more control and agency over their build.
What they are, hopefully, doing is making the game more enticing and engaging for Natural Pace players who don't feel a need to do the game in Maps per Second and just want to play at their own natural, comfortable pace. The tug between Zoomers who eternally want to go faster faster faster FASTER and Natural Pace people who want the game to be functional at...well, a natural pace...is one of the biggest problems facing Grinding Gear's team. The game has to be functional at both speeds, which is extremely difficult to do.
But, long story short - ignore the trailers. You'll be able to zoom just fine. Let the rest of us enjoy our brief fantasy of path of Exile being playable for Natural Pace folks, ne?
Posted by1453R#7804on Jun 12, 2023, 7:24:10 PM
Round 'em up bois!

Posted bysumfight#2609on Jun 12, 2023, 7:46:24 PM
HyterPan wrote:
Nerié wrote:
I'm getting anxiety irl and this is not a joke or a meme, this is my favorite game and i finally stopped playing league of legends (toxic trash game) but if they going to rework the gameplay like in lost ark or diablo 4 and they make slow and boring the endgame i don't know what i going to do, but i'm really scared. I want to play zoom zoom in POE2 please community manager or someone, tell us whats gonna happen, i'm losing my mind until july 29
Well they pretty much said sometimes ago poe 2 is leaning toward a slower gameplay and not too zooming like it was in poe 1 where just 1 button you pretty much kill the whole monsters packs on the whole screen.But we don't know yet how slow it's gonna be,let's just COPIUM together
If it gets on Diablo levels of slow a lot of people is going to go away
Nerié wrote:
I'm getting anxiety irl and this is not a joke or a meme, this is my favorite game and i finally stopped playing league of legends (toxic trash game) but if they going to rework the gameplay like in lost ark or diablo 4 and they make slow and boring the endgame i don't know what i going to do, but i'm really scared. I want to play zoom zoom in POE2 please community manager or someone, tell us whats gonna happen, i'm losing my mind until july 29
Same here, dw, if they make it slow af probably they wont shut down poe1, I dont see possible having the game being slow af and not having the alternative existing
Oh no, people coming from d4 don't know how deep this game is and will be overwhelmed with this amount of information.
lets hope PoE2 implements more friendly in game way of teaching new players
Posted byWaxeed#2957on Jun 12, 2023, 7:50:02 PM
You could have more intel in game just in case new players dont see this post!
Posted byMindelo#6821on Jun 12, 2023, 8:16:18 PM
I wonder how many of these mechanics will disappear with POE2.
"Gratitude is wine for the soul. Go on. Get drunk." Rumi
US Mountain Time Zone
Posted byChanBalam#4639on Jun 12, 2023, 8:28:59 PM
Posted byTwistedFocus#7291on Jun 12, 2023, 10:05:51 PM
1453R wrote:
Nerié wrote:
I'm getting anxiety irl and this is not a joke or a meme, this is my favorite game and i finally stopped playing league of legends (toxic trash game) but if they going to rework the gameplay like in lost ark or diablo 4 and they make slow and boring the endgame i don't know what i going to do, but i'm really scared. I want to play zoom zoom in POE2 please community manager or someone, tell us whats gonna happen, i'm losing my mind until july 29
You'll be able to zoom. The trailers and teasers are slower than Boomer Zoomer gameplay because Boomer Zoomer gameplay isn't watchable to non-Zoomers - the character moves so fast and transitions between actions so quickly that nobody who isn't a Zoomer has any clue whatsoever what's going on. The screen is just a slideshow of explosions nobody can make any sense of unless they've spent years building up an immunity to iocane powder their Zoomer Sense.
The trailers and teasers are slower because that lets Grinding Gear show off its slick new animations, character rigging, environments, and other overhauls where a Boomer Zoomer run wouldn't show off anything but a blur of exploding packs. They can't market the game with Zoomer gameplay, but that doesn't mean they'll be eliminating Boomer Zoomers. They can't. Even if the game slows down some, Path of Exile will always be significantly to drastically faster than games like Diablows Mour because Path gives the player so much more control and agency over their build.
What they are, hopefully, doing is making the game more enticing and engaging for Natural Pace players who don't feel a need to do the game in Maps per Second and just want to play at their own natural, comfortable pace. The tug between Zoomers who eternally want to go faster faster faster FASTER and Natural Pace people who want the game to be functional at...well, a natural pace...is one of the biggest problems facing Grinding Gear's team. The game has to be functional at both speeds, which is extremely difficult to do.
But, long story short - ignore the trailers. You'll be able to zoom just fine. Let the rest of us enjoy our brief fantasy of path of Exile being playable for Natural Pace folks, ne?
I hope you're right. I'm more of a natural pace player, I prefer to play average speed/slower but tanky builds. I am more interested in that then being a zhp zoomer. BUT I am also not that interested in D4 combat/speed. So I just hope it doesn't become essentially a D4 clone.
Posted byWreakorofhavoc#1062on Jun 12, 2023, 11:25:05 PM
Vortex's Damge of Time Tooltip doesn't benefit from + damage to spells (Herald of Ice etc), and also cannot have its element converted. Is that the actual functionality and/or is that intended?
This is true of all damage over time, and always has been. Flat added damage only makes sense for hits, and damage conversion cannot apply to damage over time (although that one might be able to change in the distant future).
elementalist, unique gloves/ammy = chaos damage can ignite
unique ring = ignite damage is converted to chaos
unique 2h swords/void manipulation = deal no elemental damage
result = no ignite
GGG c'mon. i wanna make my chaos attacks ignite for glorius purple flames!
[Removed by Support]
Posted byexsea#1724on Jun 12, 2023, 11:55:39 PM